Contents.- 1.<our oriental heritage; a history of civiilization in Egypt and the Near East, in India, china and Japan (3 vol) >.-(2) <the life of Greece; a history of Greek civilization from 3500 to 145 B.C. (3 vol) >.- 3. <caesar and christ; a history of Roman civlilization and of chirsitanity from their beginnig to A. D. 325 (3 vol) >.-4.<The Age of Faith; a history of medieval civilization from constnatine to Dante from A.D. 325 to 1300 (4 vol) >.- 5.<the Renaissance; a history of civilization in Italy from 1304 to 1576 (3 vol) >.- 6.<The Reformation; a history of european civilization from Wyclif to Calvin from 1300 to 1564 (3 vol)>.- 7.<The Age of Reason Beings; a history of european civilization in the period of Shakespeare, Bacon, Montaigne, Rembrandt, Galileo and Descartes from 1558 to 1648(3 vol) >.- 8. <The age of louis XIV; a history of European civilization in the period of pascal, Moliere, Cromwell, Milton, Peter the Great, Newton and spinoza from 1643 to 1715(3 vol)>.- 9. <the age of voltaire; a history of civilization in western Europe from 1715 to 1756 with special emphasis on the conflict between religion and philosophy(3 vol)>.- 10. <Rousseau and Revolution; a history of civilization in france, England and Germanuy from 1756, and in the remainder of Europe from from 1715 to 1789(4 vol) >