Contents: V. 2. Kinetics and mechanism.- V. 3. Hydrolysis: Peptide honds.- V. 4. Hydrolysis: other C-N bonds, phosphate esters.- V. 5. Hydrolysis: sulfate esters, carboxyl esters, glycosides. Hydrotion.- V. 6. Carboxylation and decarboxylation (nonoxidative): isomerization.- V. 7. Elimination and addition aldol cleavage and condensation, other C-C cleavage, phosphorolysis, hydrolysi (fats, glycosides).- V. 8. Group transfeer: Pt.A. Nucleotidyl transfeer ... - V. 9. Group transeer Pt. B. phosphoryl transeer one...- V. 10..- V. 11. .- V. 12..- V. 13. Oxidation - Reduction: Pt.C. dehydrogepases (II)......../etc/