Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks :
نام عام مواد
ساير اطلاعات عنواني
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 13-16 Sept. 1993
نام نخستين پديدآور
ICANN '93. Ed. by Stan Gielen ...
وضعیت نشر و پخش و غیره
محل نشرو پخش و غیره
London ; Heidelberg
نام ناشر، پخش کننده و غيره
تاریخ نشرو بخش و غیره
مشخصات ظاهری
نام خاص و کميت اثر
XXVII, 1095 Seiten
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
process control using neural networks.- Optimal control of dynamic systems using self-organising maps.- Monitoring a control system with a hybrid neural network architecture.- Paper web profile and analysis using neural networks.- Modelling of quality properties in paper drying with multilayer perceptron network.- Interpolation of stationary non-linear time series by an optimized neural network.- Two-sensor neural network modeling for fault detection.- Modelling the fed batch fermentation process using artificial neural networks.- Identification of car body steel by an optical on line system and a Kohonen's self-organizing map.- Simulation of pulsed laser material processing controlled by an extended self-organizing Kohonen feature map.- Process modelling using artificial neural networks.- Real-time nuclear power plant monitoring with adaptively trained neural network.- Self organized feature maps for monitoring and knowledge acquisition of a chemical process.- Flow regime identification by a self-organising neural network.- Functional electrical stimulation with neural network controlled state feedback.- Artificial interacting agents for stock market experiments: the cross-target method.- Neural network training by parameter optimization approach.- Neural network analysis of the Hungarian party-state system.- Modelling time-varying industrial processes using MLP networks.- Lithofacies indentification from wireline logs-bringing neural networks to application.- Using selforganizing feature maps to classify EEG coherence maps.- Building an artificial retina for distance- and orientation-invariant pattern recognition.- MLP-RBF: a cooperative multi-modular neural network application in high-energy physics.- Operational cloud classifier based on the topological feature map.- Image segmentation using a self-organising logical neural network.- High-resolution classification of Papanicolauo smear cells using back-propagation neural networks.- Artificial neural networks detect subtle differences between anesthetics.- Pattern segmentation and feature linking as simultaneous processes in an associative network of spiking neurons.- Spatial topology distance for handprinted character recognition.- Identification of underwater sonar images using fuzzy-neural architecture FuNe I.- Fault detection in multivariate time series with a coding approach.- Practical implementation of a radial basis function network for handwritten digit recognition.- An efficient method of neural network application to recognizing of handwritten digits in zip codes.- The application of average gradient matrices for fingerprint classification using neural networks.- Neural architectures for motion tracking.- A multi-agent classifier using associative networks in parallel.- Handwritten alphabet and digit character recognition using skeleton pattern mapping with structural constraints.- Optimization of a signature verification system using neural networks.- Incremental case-based pattern classifier.- Cepstral blur identification by neural network for image restoration purpose.- Reduced pattern recognizing neural nets.- Digit recognition by the random neural network using supervised learning.- Detecting abnormalities in MRI images using the difference method.- Neural networks for the echographic diagnosis of diffuse liver diseases.- Neural networks and the travelling salesman problem.- Automatically structured neural networks for handwritten character and word recognition.- Tracking rain cells in radar images using multilayer neural networks.- Neural network analysis of plasma spectra.- Monitoring EEG signal with self-organizing map.- Invariant pattern recognition with recovery of transformation parameters.- Applying dynamic link matching to object recognition in real world images.- Performance of the backpropagation neural network for recognition of radio signals using time-domain features.- Conceptual fuzzy sets application to facial expression recognition using associative memory system.- Neocognitron with non-uniform receptive fields.- Hand-written character recognition by a structured self-growing neural network "CombNET-II".- Segmentation of image sequences using self-organizing feature maps.- Combining neural-network and statistical methods in seismic firstarrival picking.- A study of neural network input data for ground cover identification in satellite images.- On generalization ability of cascaded neural net architecture.- Assessing the latency of peak Pa in auditory evoked potentials using neural networks.- A self-organizing network of alterable competitive layer for pattern cluster.- Prediction of secondary structures of proteins: comparison of neural networks (fuzzy ARTMAP) and statistical techniques.- Cognitive grammar and map digitization.- On-line learning with learning vector quantization: a case study of EEG classification.- Image sequence coding using a neural vector quantization.- Minimum distance pattern classifiers based on a new distance metric.- Knowledge extraction by self organising maps.- Application of the sensitivity algorithm in biological fields.- Challenge of ANN to microelectronics.- Implementation of million connections neural hardward with URAN-I.- Multiprocessor and memory architecture of the neurocomputer SYNAPSE-1.- COKOS: A Coprocessor for Kohonen's Selforganizing map.- Hardware implementation of Kohonen's feature map by scalar and SIMD-array processors.- A nonlinear electronic layer for distributed neural nets.- How to find a near optimal mapping of neural networks onto message passing multicomputers.- 20 million patterns per second VLSI neural network pattern classifier.- High-density analog-EEPROM based neural network.- A simple training law suitable for on-chip learning.- Simulation of neural networks and genetic algorithms in a distributed computing environment using NeuroGraph.- A parallel implementation of the back-propagation of errors learning algorithm on a SIMD parallel computer.- CONVIS, a distributed environment for control and visualization of neural network simulation programs.- Mapping of some neural network algorithms to a general purpose parallel neurocomputer.- Architecture of low cost, large scale neural networks.- A generalized recurrent neural network for matrix inversion.- On the realization of back-propagation on a transputer based system.- Self-organisation of large feature maps using local computations: analysis and VLSI integration.- NEUROCOBOL: a COBOL-like neural network simulation language based on the layer macro definition.- Encapsulated objects for neural network simulation.- A harmony theory network solution to the N-Queens problem.- Author Index.
متن يادداشت
approach.- Physical and Mathematical Theory.- Competitive Hebbian learning rule forms perfectly topology preserving maps.- Approximating optimal information transmission using local Hebbian algorithms in a double feedback loop.- Time-varying neural networks for large tasks.- A "self-referential" weight matrix.- Neural network complexity reduction using adaptive polynomial activation functions.- FIELDNET, a dynamic network for pattern classification.- Reducing the ratio between learning complexity and number of time varying variables in fully recurrent nets.- Deletion of trained patterns by incremental learning in artificial neural network using Fahlman-Lebiere learning algorithm.- Cascade neural network developed for time series prediction.- On the information capacity of auto-associative RAM-based neural networks.- Modified CMAC neural network architectures for nonlinear dynamic system modeling.- Preliminary results on adaptively trained neural networks.- Networks for learning and differentiating an input-output mapping.- Design vs.
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Plenary Contributions.- Dynamic coupling in cortical neural networks.- Keeping neural networks simple.- Principles from Neurobiology.- The autoassociative hypothesis places constraints on hippocampal organization.- Metastability of network attractor and dream sleep.- Somatosensory cortical maps: reorganization following postontogenetic plasticity-experiments and theory.- Adequate input for learning in attractor neural networks.- Neurobiological modelling and structured neural networks.- Model analysis of associative learning in the photoreceptor of marine mollusc, Hermissenda Crassicornis.- A neural network model for motor shapes learning and programming.- Learning through adaptive value: a model working in a variable environment.- Improving categorization with CALM maps.- A simple self-organizing neural network architecture for selective visual attention.- Detection of coincidences and generation of hypotheses - a proposal for an elementary cortical function.- DIVA: a self-organizing neural network model for motor equivalent speech production.- Adaptive non-uniform A/D conversion achieved with an unsupervised learning rule maximizing information-theoretic entropy.- Optimal topology-preservation using self-organising logical neural networks.- Incorporation of neurobiological aspects of Aplysia's associative conditioning in neural networks for on-line pattern detection.- Description on the use of the autogenerative nodal memory model (ANM) as controlling element of an autonomously responsive system.- Human memory-neurocomputer (MeNeCo project): structure for reverbation of the information in N-peaked nets (in STMemory).- Neural representation of saccadic eye movements in monkey superior colliculus.- A self-organizing neural network for learning a body-centered invariant representation of 3-D target position.- Dynamic field approach to target selection in gaze control.- Differences in synaptic input and excitability between superficial and deep pyramidal cells in the cat sensorimotor cortex.- An adaptive sensory fusion approach for the superior colliculus.- A neural network model for spatial information representation.- A dynamical model for the generation of curved trajectories.- Functional organisation in the cerebellum.- Activation and contraction of a muscle.- Correlated neuronal activity and behaviour.- Map structure from pinwheel position.- Emergence of transient oscillations in an ensemble of neurons.- A distributed multicolumnar system for primary cortical analysis of real-world scenes.- Singularities in cortical orientation and direction maps: vortices, strings and bubbles.- A new model for spatial frequency and orientation tuning in the visual cortex based on delayed inputs from the retina.- Cascaded intracortical inhibition: modeling connection schemes on a large scale simulator.- Hidden assembly dynamics and correlated neuronal responses.- A model for latencies in the visual system.- A neural architecture for textured color image segmentation and recognition.- Activity-dependent modification of intrinsic neuronal properties.- Implications of and activity-dependent neunte outgrowth for developing neural networks.- PCA properties of interneurons.- Temporal distributed processing-TDP: a time-based processing scheme accounts for time dependent receptive fields and representational maps.- Stochastic specificity in neural interaction.- A computer simulation model of backwards feedback across synapse via arachidonic acid.- Study of a self-learning artificial neuron model.- Simulation study on calcium-activated dynamics of compartment dendrite model.- On the adaptive capabilities of pulse-coded cable neurons.- A local approximation of the cable equation for implementing a local interaction model.- Effect of glutamate uptake on the response dynamics of the retinal horizontal cell.- Robotics.- Neural networks for robot eye-hand coordination.- Unsupervised formation of feature detectors using residual inputs.- Geometry-driven diffusion: coupled diffusion maps as a model for excitatory and inhibitory behaviour in vision.- SPIN: learning and forgetting surface classifications with dynamic neural networks.- Motion parallax from catastrophies in scale-space.- Stability and convergence control in cooperative integration networks.- Towards a neural architecture for unified visual contrast and brightness perception.- Fuzzy Kohonen clustering networks for reducing search space in 3-D object recognition.- An active resistor mesh embedding cortical visual processing.- A fast BCS/FCS algorithm for image segmentation.- Neural architecture for robot planning.- From situations to actions: motion behavior learning by selforganization.- Application of Q-learning in robot grasping tasks.- I/O-stability for robot control with a global neural net inverse model in the feedback loop.- A self-organizing neural network for robot motion planning.- Evolved recurrent dynamical networks use noise.- The Bellmann Mapping Machine for nonlinear approximation in control policy space.- A real-time robot demonstration controlled by the BSP400 neurocomputer.- First results on stable adaptive robot control with RBF networks.- Fuzzy inference, radial basis functions, and control of flexible robotic manipulators.- A recurrent trajectory storage network with parceling of the workspace.- Node allocation and topographical encoding NATEnet for inverse kinematics of a 6-DOF robot arm.- Learning optimal control using neural networks.- A boolean net as an adaptive and universal robot control.- Transforming occupancy grids under robot motion.- Complex tasks and robots.- Cognitive Connectionism.- NN approaches to natural language: context and trends.- Integration of ANNs and dynamic concepts to an adaptive and self-organizing agent.- Learning fuzzy production rules for approximate reasoning in connectionist production systems.- A representational architecture for nonmonotonic inheritance structures.- Spectral timing and integration of multimodel systemic processes.- Net-to-rule transformation using penalty functions.- Teaching homing behaviour to a neural state machine.- Neural/iconic understanding of the visual world.- Connectionist "symbol" systems: cognition as the sum of analogy, exemplar manipulation and language.- Symbol-manipulation with attractor neural networks.- A consideration on visual strategy of fovea and saccadic movement from experimental results.- Iconic language representation in a recursive neural system.- Miniature language acquisition tasks using dynamic weightless systems.- Activity curvature: a new approach to perception.- An outline for a theory of the emotions.- Alpha-Beta TDNN implement "fuzzy" connectionist time alignment in speech recognition.- Continuous speech recognition predictive systems.- Handling context-dependencies in speech by LVQ.- An analytically transparent network for sequence recognition.- Conceptual clustering using a connectionist approach.- An extended Kohonen feature map for sentence recognition.- Neural nets that discuss: a general model of communication based on self-organizing maps.- Neural network and nearest neighbor comparison of speaker normalization methods for vowel recognition.- Speech recognition by hierarchical segment classification.- Visualization and classification of voice quality with the selforganizing map.- Weighted distance measure for speaker-independent digit recognition with hidden-control neural network.- Modulation-frequency encoding of speech with applications to neural speech recognizers.- Functional compositionality: a G.N.U.
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training of neural machines.- Counterexample of Witsenhausen under set-bounded model of uncertainty and its neural net solver.- A modified learning algorithm for backpropagation network.- High-order Boltzmann machines for MAX-SAT and SAT.- EBP algorithm can work with hard limiters.- Stochastic neural networks.- A neurophysiologically motivated neural network model and its application to the superposition problem.- A symmetrical lateral inhibition network for PCA and feature decorrelation.- Minimizing the system error in feedforward neural networks with evolution strategy.- Prove of convergence of extended divide and conquer networks.- Monotonic incrementation of backpropagation networks.- A multi-layer extension of a Bayesian neural network.- YPROP: yet another accelerating technique for the back propagation.- Automatic construction of multilayer networks for non linear regression.- Generalization of a parametric learning rule.- Supervised learning for decorrelated Gaussian networks.- Associative memories that can form hypotheses: phase coded network architectures.- A formal link between multilayer perceptrons and a generalization of linear discriminant analysis.- Adaptive critic and probabilistic logic nets.- DEFAnet2-advancements of a deterministic function approximator.- Document retrieval and protein sequence matching using a neural network.- A fuzzy neural architecture for supervised learning and classification of temporal sequences.- Hierarchical reinforcement learning.- Connectivity maximization of layered neural networks for supervised learning.- The overlapped tessellaton: a supervised neural rule.- IABP: Interval Arithmetic Backpropagation.- Architecture of associative memory with reduced cross talk and its performance formulation.- Augmentation of generalisation in probabilistic logic nets.- Fuzzy expert networks.- Using Boltzmann Machines for probability estimation.- Brownian motion updating of multi-layered perceptrons.- Guaranteed convergence of learning in neural networks.- Activity-conserving dynamics for neural networks.- The lower bound of the capacity for a neural network with multiple hidden layers.- A method for finding the optimal number of learning samples and hidden units for function approximation with a feedforward network.- The N-2-N encoder: a matter of representation.- Optimizing the architecture of multi-layer perceptrons for onedimensional classification.- Neural networks and genetic algorithms: improving the fault tolerance capabilities.- Entropy of perceptrons.- Assessing generalization by 2-D receptive field visualization.- A fast training algorithm for feedforward neural networks.- Improvement of the convergence of the learning using the modified back-propagation method.- Parametrized self-organizing maps.- Population dynamics on the basis of vector quantization: a method for auto-association and classification.- Vector quantization with a growing and splitting elastic net.- Learning topology-preserving maps using self-supervised backpropagation.- A multiassociative memory for control.- Phase transitions in self-organized feature maps.- Unsupervised extraction of predictable abstract features.- Genetic algorithm with migration on topology conserving maps.- Analyzing Kohonen maps with geometry.- A comparison between classical unsupervised classifiers and ART3 neural networks.- A dynamic procedure for neural network design.- PCA in a network with full lateral connections.- Non-uniform cellular automata.- SUSOM-"Supervised" Self-Organizing Maps.- Synchrony in integrate-and-fire networks.- A neural network for motion detection.- Spikes or rates?-stationary, oscillatory, and spatio-temporal states in an associative network of spiking neurons.- Cooperative stochastic effects in globally coupled bistable elements.- Biologically inspired neural network for trajectory formation and obstacle avoidance.- Catastrophic phase transitions in exact ART networks.- Analysis of chaotic behaviour in dynamical systems using analog neural networks.- A dynamically generalising weightless neural element.- Vector quantization by neuro-dynamical system.- The effect of synaptic time constants on firing patterns in populations of spiking neurons.- Information processing by spatio-temporal chaotic networks.- Hysteresis phenomena and bifurcation of periodic solutions in a mathematical model of cortical dynamics.- Computing complexity of symmetric quadratic neural networks.- Topology learning solved by extended objects: a neural network model.- Higher order neural networks in a unified learning scheme.- On a simple hysteresis network.- Switching the vector field according to the input of an oscillatory neural network.- Processing of information encoded in coupled one-dimensional maps.- Feedback in single continuous neurons.- A neural network for decision making in dynamic environments.- Chaos in neural networks at nonlinear synapses.- Stability conditions for nonlinear continuous random neural networks.- Optimal classification with multilayer networks.- An attractor network model for the generation of event-related potentials using integrative synapses.- Novel Liapunov functions for additive neural networks.- Capacity and error correction ability of sparsely encoded associative memory with forgetting process.- Defining the attractor of a recurrent neural network by boolean expressions.- Using REDUCE for replica calculations.- Equilibrium statistical mechanics of non-symmetric neural networks.- Storage of words by coupling Hopfield nets.- Constraints on learning in dynamic synapses.- Recursive construction of neural networks with long periodic behavior.- Phase-space gardening in the binary-couplings memory network.- The relationship between choice of representation, network structure and performance in Harmony Theory networks.- On the power of linearly weighted neural networks.- Elimination of overtraining by a mutual information network.- Cascade correlation: an incremental tool for function approximation.- Bounds on the complexity of testing and loading neurons.- Principal hidden unit analysis with minimum entropy method.- Empirical criteria to compare the performance of neuro algorithms.- LS-backpropagation algorithm for training multilayer perceptrons.- Do backpropagation trained neural networks have normal weight distributions.- A constructive algorithm for binary mapping.- BOXES revisited.- Mathematical properties of multi-layer adaptive filters.- Weight zero enhancement in speech synthesis using neural networks.- Biological metaphors in designing modular artificial neural networks.- Learning and generalization controlled by contradiction.- Extraction of symbolic statements from synaptic weights.- A novel back propagation algorithm with optimal number of hidden units.- Two neural models for fast category learning-neural associative memories and the restricted Coulomb energy model.- Storage capacity results for decomposed structures of generalizing RAM nodes.- Applications.- Novelty detection and neural network validation.- Estimating material properties for process optimization.- Hybrid digital signal processing and neural networks for automated diagnostics using eddy current inspection.- Self-organizing neural network for diagnosis.- Limitations of adaptive critic control schemes.- Periodic disturbance rejection: a neural network approach.- Representation of real-valued functions by a three-layered artificial neural network with topologically ordered input and output units.- Prediction of reflectance values: towards the integration of neural and conventional colorimetry.- Neural network modeling and prediction of multivariate time series using predictive MDL principle.- Dynamics of a neural network-based financial market.- Evolving neurocontrollers for pole balancing.- Backpropagation vector quantization for satellite coverage plans optimization.- Sequential self-organization for the traveling salesman problem.- Invariant
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