1. A Clinician's guide to pemphigus vulgaris
Author: / Pooya Khan Mohammad Beigi.,Beigi, Pooya Khan Mohammad,
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Pemphigus

2. A case of tinea incognito mimicking subcorneal pustular dermatosis
Author: Kalkan, Göknur; Demirseren, D Deniz; Güney, Cansu Altınöz; Aktaş, Akın,Kalkan, Göknur; Demirseren, D Deniz; Güney, Cansu Altınöz; Aktaş, Akın
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

3. Absolute dermatology review :
Author: Hugh Morris Gloster, Jr., Lauren E. Gebauer, Rachel L. Mistur
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Dermatology, Atlases.,Dermatology.,Medicine.
Classification :

4. Acetylcholine receptor antibodies in patients with pemphigus vulgaris: Correlation with disease extent at the time of diagnosis and during follow-up
Author: Tirado-Sánchez, Andrés; Vázquez-González, Denisse; Ponce-Olivera, Rosa María; López-Lozano, Héctor Eduardo,Tirado-Sánchez, Andrés; Vázquez-González, Denisse; Ponce-Olivera, Rosa María; López-Lozano, Héctor Eduardo
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

5. Acquired bullous acrodermatitis enteropathica as a histologic mimic of pemphigus foliaceus in a patient on parenteral nutrition
Author: Wu, Davina; Fung, Maxwell A; Kiuru, Maija; Sharon, Victoria R,Wu, Davina; Fung, Maxwell A; Kiuru, Maija; Sharon, Victoria R
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

6. Acquired bullous acrodermatitis enteropathica as a histologic mimic of pemphigus foliaceus in a patient on parenteral nutrition
Author: Wu, Davina; Fung, Maxwell A; Kiuru, Maija; Sharon, Victoria R,Wu, Davina; Fung, Maxwell A; Kiuru, Maija; Sharon, Victoria R
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

7. Association between pemphigus and psoriasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Author: Phan, Kevin; Ramachandran, Vignesh; Smith, Saxon D,Phan, Kevin; Ramachandran, Vignesh; Smith, Saxon D
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

8. Association of pemphigus and systemic corticosteroid use with comorbid health disorders: A case-control study
Author: Hsu, Derek Y; Brieva, Joaquin; Nardone, Beatrice; West, Dennis; Silverberg, Jonathan I,Hsu, Derek Y; Brieva, Joaquin; Nardone, Beatrice; West, Dennis; Silverberg, Jonathan I
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

9. Benign familial pemphigus ( Hailey-Hailey disease)
Author: White, Forrest; Shvartsbeyn, Marianna; Meehan, Shane A; Urbanek, Richard W,White, Forrest; Shvartsbeyn, Marianna; Meehan, Shane A; Urbanek, Richard W
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

10. Biologic and systemic agents in dermatology
Author: Paul S Yamauchi
Library: Library of Razi Metallurgical Research Center (Tehran)
Subject: ، Dermatology,، Skin -- Diseases,، Dermatologic agents
Classification :

11. Brain abscesses with pemphigus vulgaris: A rare association
Author: Awasthy, Neeraj; Chand, Karam; Singh, Avninder,Awasthy, Neeraj; Chand, Karam; Singh, Avninder
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

12. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DEMOGRAPHIC AND CLINICAL CRITERIA IN ELDERLY PATIENTS WITH AUTOIMMUNE BULLOUS DISEASE REFERRED TO RAZI HOSPITAL BASED ON DATA RECORDED IN BULLOUS PEMPHIGOID,مطالعه تطبیقی معیارهای دموگرافیک و بالینی در بیماران سالمند مبتلا به بیماری بولوز خودایمنی مراجعه کننده به بیمارستان رازی بر اساس داده های ثبت شده دررجستری بولس پمپیگوید
Author: Zuhaib Hussain Gazi,زهیب حسین غازی
Library: Medical School Library and Learning Center (Tehran)
Subject: سالمندان,Older people,a06,a06,بیماری های تاول خود ایمنی,معیارهای دموگرافیک,شدت بیماری,elderly,disease severity,Autoimmune blistering diseases

13. COMPARATVE STUDY OF DEMOGRAPHIC AND CLINICAL CRITERIA IN DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS WITH PEMPHIGUS VULGARIS REFERRED TO RAZI HOSPITAL BASED ON DATA RECORDED IN THE PEMPHIGUS DISEASE REGISTRY,مطالعه مقایسه ای معیارهای جمعیتی و بالینی در گروه های سنی مختلف مبتلا به پمفیگوس ولگاریس مراجعه کننده به بیمارستان رازی بر اساس داده های ثبت شده در بیماری پمفیگوس
Author: ZAINAB BASHIR,زینب بشیر
Library: Medical School Library and Learning Center (Tehran)
Subject: پمفیگوس,معیارهای تشخیصی,مطالعه مقایسه ای بین گروه های سنی مختلف,Pemhigus

14. Case based oral mucosal diseases /
Author: Qianming Chen, Xin Zeng, editors.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Oral mucosa-- Diseases, Case studies.,Mouth Diseases.,Mouth Mucosa-- physiopathology.,Oral Manifestations.,HEALTH & FITNESS-- Diseases-- General.,MEDICAL-- Clinical Medicine.,MEDICAL-- Diseases.,MEDICAL-- Evidence-Based Medicine.,MEDICAL-- Internal Medicine.,Oral mucosa-- Diseases.
Classification :

15. Cell and Tissue Culture Models in Dermatological Research
Author: edited by August Bernd, Jürgen Bereiter-Hahn, Frank Hevert, H. Holzmann.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Dermatology.,Medicine.,Toxicology.
Classification :

16. Classics in clinical dermatology with biographical sketches /
Author: [edited by] Walter Brown Shelley and John Thorne Crissey.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Dermatologists.,Dermatology-- History, Sources.,Dermatology.,Dermatology.,Dermatologie.,Dermatologists.,Dermatology.,HEALTH & FITNESS-- Diseases-- Skin.,Huidartsen.,Huidziekten.,MEDICAL-- Dermatology.
Classification :

17. Clinical Immunology of the Dog and Cat, Second Edition.
Author: Michael J Day
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

18. Clinical resolution of pemphigus vulgaris on rituximab
Author: Cusick, Elizabeth; Silverstein, David,Cusick, Elizabeth; Silverstein, David
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

19. Colour Atlas of Tropical Dermatology and Venerology
Author: Karl F Schaller
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: (Produktform)Paperback / softback,(Zielgruppe)Fachpublikum/ Wissenschaft,(Zielgruppe)Professional/practitioner
Classification :