1. Ear, Nose And Throat
Author: / Maurice hawthorne , Richard num
Library: Central Library of Kashan University of Medical Sciences (Esfahan)
Subject: otorhinolaryngologic diseases-radiography-problems and exercises

2. Ear, Nose & throat
Author: / Maurice Hawthorne, Richard Num
Library: Library of Babol University of Medical Sciences (Mazandaran)

3. Ear, nose and throat
Author: / Maurice Hawthorne, Richard Num
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases- radiography- examination questions,Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases- radiography- problems

4. Ear, nose & throat
Author: Maurice Hawthorne, Richard Num; foreword by John Ballantyne; photographer, Ann Sym
Library: Central Library and Information Center of Shahed University (Tehran)
Subject: Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases -- Radiography,Problems and Exercises
Classification :

5. Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. 112
Author: editors, M.P. Blaustein, Baltimore, O. Creutzfeldt, Göttingen, H. Grunicke, Innsbruck, E. Habermann, Gießen, H. Neurath, Seattle, S. Numa, Kyoto, D. Pette, Konstanz, B. Sakmann, Göttingen, U. Trendelenburg, Würzburg, K.J. Ullrich, Frankfurt/M.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Biochemistry.,Pharmacology.,Physiology.

6. Teaching Adult Literacy
Author: / Nora Hughes, Irene Schwab,At foot of title page: NRDC National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy.
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: Functional literacy - Study and teaching - Great Britain,Numeracy - Study and teaching (Continuing education) - Great Britain,English language - Study and teaching - Foreign speakers,سوادآموزی تابعی - راهنمای آموزشی - انگلستان,آشنایی با اعداد - راهنمای آموزشی (آموزش مداوم) - انگلستان,زبان انگلیسی - راهنمای آموزشی - خارجیان
Classification :

7. تفسیر نتایج آزمون خاک : معانی اعداد چیست؟
Author: / مولفان برایان مورفی، پام هازلتون ترجمه محمدامیر دلاور، میثم محمدی,عنوان به زبان اصلی: Interpreting soil test results : What do all numbers mean? 2nd ed., 2007.
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: خاک -- تجزیه و آزمایش,خاک -- آزمایش,خاک -- شیمی,خاکشناسی
Classification :