1.Mansour Shaki: / ]Review of:[ M.- J. Mashkour, Farhang - e Huzvareshha - ye Pahlavi ]The Huzvaresh Dictionary[. Tehran, 1967. )In: Ar. Or., 39, 1971, 496 - 497.( .-- 2.Mansour Shaki: / The Sassanian matrimonial relations. )Ar. Or., 39, 1971, 322 - 345.( .-- 3.Mansour Shaki: / A few Philosophical and Cosmogonical Chapters of the Denkart. )Ar. Or., 41, 1973, 133 - 164.(.-- 4.Mansour Shaki: / ]Review of:[ A. Bodrogligeti, The Persian Vocabulary of the codex Cumanicus. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1971 )Ar. Or., 42, 1974, 261 - 262.(.-- 5.Mansour Shaki: / Two midlle Persian legal terms for private property. )In: Memorial Jean De Menasce, Ed. Ph. Gignoux and A. Tafazzoli, Louvain, 1974, 327 - 336.( .--6.Mansour Shaki: / The Concept of obligated successorship in the Madiyan i Hazar Dadistan. )In: Acta Iranica, 5, Monumentum H. S. Nyberg II, 1975, Teheran - Liege, Leiden, 227 - 242.( .-- 7.Mansour Shaki: / An appraisal of the Glossary of A Manual of Pahlavi. )Ar. Or., 43, 1975, 256 - 263.( .-- 8.Mansour Shaki: / Observations on the Draxt i Asurig. )Ar. Or., 43, 1975, 64 - 74.( .--9.Mansour Shaki: / The obstuction of Justic. )Ar. Or., 45, 1977, 48 - 53.(.--10.Mansour Shaki: / Universal homage to Cyrus the Great. )Ar. Or., 45, 1977,259 - 263.(.-- 11.Mansour Shaki: / ]Review of:[ Mehrdad Bahar: Glossary of selections of Zadsparam. Iranian Culture Foundation, Tehran, 1972. )In: Ar. Or. 45, 1977, 275- 277.( .--12.Mansour Shaki: / ]Review of:[ The Codex DH, Being a facsimile edition of Bondahesh, Zand-e Vohuman Yasht and parts of Denkart. Iranian Culture Foundation, Tehran. )In: Ar. Or., 45, 1977, 366 - 367.(.-- 13.Mansour Shaki: / Pahlavica.--14.Mansour Shaki: / ]Review of:[ The Cambridge History of Iran. Vol. 4, the period from the Arab Invasion to the Saljugs, ed. by Frye, Cambridge University Press, 1975. )In: Ar. Or., 46, 1978, 286 - 287.(.--15.Mansour Shaki: / The social doctrin of Mazdak in the light of Middle Persian evidence. )Ar. Or., 46, 1978, 289 - 306.( .-- 16.Mansour Shaki: / Addena to some basic tense of the Eclectic Metaphysics of the Denkart. )Ar. Oa.(.--17.Mansour Shaki: / The Denkard account of the history of the Zoroastrion scriptures. )Ar. Or., 49, 1981, 114 - 125.(. .--18.Mansour Shaki: / On Zoroastrians - their Religious belifs and Practices. )Ar. Or., 50, 1982, 66 - 68.(.--19.Mansour Shaki: / Revertible and irrevertible grants in Sasanian Law. )ST. IR., 12-1983-2, 183 - 194.(.--20.Mansour Shaki: / A few unrecognized Middle Persian terms and phrases. )In: Middle Iranian Studies, Proceedings of the International Symposium Organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th of May 1982, Uitgeverij Peeters, Leuven, 1984, 95 - 102.( .--21.Mansour Shaki: / The Cosmogonical and Cosmological teachings of Mazdak. )In: Papers in Honour of Professor Mary Boyce, 2, leiden, 1985, 257 - 543.(.--22.Mansour Shaki: / Observations on the Ayadgar i Zareran. )Ar. Or., 54, 1986, 257 - 271.(.--23.Mansour Shaki: / The translation of the Sasanian Law-Book - a Pons Asinorum. )Ar. Or., 55, 1987, 190 - 193.( .--24.Mansour Shaki: / A Millennium of Iranian Pre-Islamic History. ]Review of:[ E. Yarshater )ed.( The Cambridge History of Iran, Vol.3 )1 - 2(, the Seleucid, Parthian and Sasanian Periods. 1983. )In: Ar. Or., 55, 1987, 287 - 290.( .--25.Mansour Shaki: / Sasan ke bud? )Majale-ye Iran-shenasi, Vol. II, 77 - 88.( .--26.Mansour Shaki: / Two chapters of the Riwayat i Emed i Asawahistan. )Truid Tebliskava Ordena Turudava Kracnava Iznamiyoni Gasudarsnova Unversiteta, 241, 1988, 45 - 53.(.--27.Mansour Shaki: / The Encyclopaedia Iranica - a Monumental reasearch tool. ]Review of:[ E. Yarshater )er.(: Encyclopaedia Iranica. Vol, I, AB - ANA-HID. london, boston, 1985. )In: Ar. Or., 57, 1989, 69 - 71.( .--28.Mansour Shaki: / A signal catalogue of Sasanian Seals and Bullae. ]Review of:[ Ph. Gignoux, Catalogue des sceaux, camees et bulles sasanides de la Biblioteque National et du Musee du Louvre II. Les sceaux et bulles inscrits, Paris, 1978. )In: Ar. Or., 57, 1989, 167 - 169.( .-- 29.Mansour Shaki: / Orientalia in honour of J. Duchesne - Guillemin. ]Review of:[ Orientalia J. Duchesne - Guillemin emerito oblata. )Acta Iranica 23.(, Leiden, 1984. )In: Ar. Or., 58, 1990, 277 - 280.( .-- 30.Mansour Shaki: / An appraisal of Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vols II, and III. ]Review of:[ E. Yarshter )ed.(, Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vol. II. London and New York 1987, Vol. III, 1989. )In: Ar. Or., 59, 1991, 405 - 409.(.-- 31.Mansour Shaki: / An appraisal of Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vols IV. and V. ]Review of:[ E. Yarshter )ed.(, Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vol. IV., London and New York, 1990, Vol. V, 1992. )In: Ar. Or., 62, 1994, 326 - 328.(.-- 32.Mansour Shaki: / Budag.-- 33.Mansour Shaki: / Cakar.