Does gaining control of smoking behaviours have a positive impact on glycaemic control in patients with Type 2 diabetes?
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MacMillan, Margaret-Anne
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Queen Margaret University
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Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
D.Health Psy.
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Queen Margaret University
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Background: Smoking cigarettes is a well-documented cause of ill-health. Cigarette smoking among people with diabetes increases the risk of developing long-term complications. Although smoking cessation is considered important for all, it is especially significant for people with diabetes and is recommended throughout the literature. Few studies have investigated the impact of a smoking cessation intervention tailored to the needs of people with Type 2 diabetes. This study attempts to address this. Aims: The overall aim was to assess the impact of a smoking cessation psychological intervention for people with Type 2 diabetes and whether the intervention had a positive impact on their glycated haemoglobin levels. Methodology: Design: This was a quantitative longitudinal smoking cessation psychological intervention with no control group. Participants: Participants were 31 adult patients (n=14 males, n=17 females) with Type 2 diabetes who regularly smoked cigarettes. Primary Outcome Measures: Using a minimum data set and validated scales, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) and carbon monoxide (CO) levels were recorded and the Perceived Control of Diabetes Scale (PCDS) and Smoking Locus of Control Scale (SLoCS) administered to investigate changes in participants perceptions of their diabetes and smoking behavioural control across the subscales. Secondary Outcome Measures: Readiness to stop smoking (likes, dislikes, motivation and confidence), concerns relating to smoking, awareness of smoking cessation products and services and knowledge of health risks associated with smoking and diabetes were measured for comparison. Participant weight (kg) was also measured as a precaution. Procedure: Participants were recruited in Falkirk Royal Infirmary at their annual diabetes review. Measures were recorded at baseline immediately prior to the health intervention. This was repeated at 12-month follow-up. Data Analysis: Data were analysed at T1 and T2 with SPSS 17 using withinfactors repeated measures ANOVA. Results: Positive effects post-intervention were found for: HbA1c (p < 0.0005) and CO (p < 0.0005) levels, PCDS (p < 0.0005) and SLoC (p < 0.0005) Internality subscales and for dislikes (p < 0.003), motivation (p < 0.0005), confidence (p < 0.0005) and knowledge of associated health risks (p < 0.0005). No participants stopped smoking during this study. Conclusion: The results demonstrate a positive impact on health behaviour change showing an increase in the likelihood that participants will take greater control of their glycated haemoglobin levels and smoking behaviours and will be more motivated and confident to do so. With no control group the design does not control for all factors that may have contributed to these changes.