Winchester probate inventories produced between 1650 and 1710 are the focus of this thesis.They are examined, in conjunction with a number of accompanying wills. records of towngovernment and also taxation records, in order to demonstrate change and continuity in the formof domestic space and to analyse the nature of the relationship between the built domesticenvironment and the people who lived within it. The investigation brings the analysis of inventoryevidence of domestic space into the mainstream of contemporary studies of the meanings ofconsumption. The study is principally based on documentary evidence but reference is made tosome of the archaeological evidence also. Particular attention is paid to standing remains in the .cathedral close as outstanding examples of new forms of domestic architecture in the restorationperiod.Winchester inventories are evidence of the physical environment of the city in a period ofconsiderable social. economic and political change. The examination of these sources is ofrelevance to people other than those interested in the history of England's former royal capital.The methodology of inventory analysis employed here. using as it does the source-orienteddatabase management software kaeiw, offers a paradigm for future students of this sourcematerial. This is one of the first studies in this country to employ such a methodology. As such itaffords the opportunity to evaluate the usefulness of techniques available in the new and growingfield of historical computation.Inventories contribute to our understanding of continuity and change in areas other than houseform and room use. These documents cast light upon the social structure of post-medievalWinchester and provide an indication of the ways in which the city was adapting to changedcircumstances in a period after the terminal decline of its staple industries. This study also offersthe first attempt to integrate an investigation of the relationships between appraisers andinventoried testators into a wider examination of the consumption of domestic space in thisperiod.