Strategies for agricultural change and the UK balance of payments
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Blackman, C. R.
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University of Aston in Birmingham
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University of Aston in Birmingham
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The world food crisis, Britain's reliance on imported foodand feedstuffs and balance of payments difficulties weresome of the factors which lent weight to the call forincreased self-sufficiency in Britain's agriculture in the1970s. This project considers two main areas: an investigationof the impact of radical agricultural change, designedto increase self-sufficiency, on the balance of payments;and, an appraisal of the potential role of the food industrywithin a radically different food system" The study proceededby: an examination of the principles of agricultural policyand its development in Britain; an overview of the mechanismand meaning of the balance of payments; a consideration of thedebate on agricultural import saving; the construction ofradical agricultural strategies; the estimation of effectsof the strategies , particularly to the balance of paymentsthe role of the food industry and possible innovations withinthe strategies; a case study of textured vegetable proteinsand" the wider implications of implememtation of radicalagricultural alternatives. Two strategies were considered a vegan system, involving no livestock and an intermediatesystem including some livestock and dairy cattle. The study concludes that although agricultural change could principle make a contribution to the balance of payments,implementation of agricultural change cannot be justifiedfor this purpose alone. First, balance of payments problemscan be solved by more appropriate methods. Second, theUK' s balance of payments problem haa disappeared for the timebeing owing to North Sea oil and economic recession. Third,the political and social consequences of the changes investigatedwould be unacceptable. Progress in UK food policy islikely to be in the form of an integrated food and healthpolicy.