According to Menzies, a careful analysis of Acts 2:17-21 reveals that Luke has modified the Joel quotation in three significant ways, and that each modification serves to highlight an important aspect of the mission of the church. The church's mission is to be characterized by visions and divine guidance, bold witness in the face of intense opposition, and signs and wonders. These three themes run throughout the narrative of Acts, and Luke anticipates that they will continue to mark the life of the church in 'these last days'. Luke's narrative, then, is much more than a nostalgic review of how it all began. Although Luke is concerned to stress the reliability of the apostolic witness, his purposes go beyond this. Luke presents the missionary praxis of the early church as a model that is relevant for His church and ours. According to Menzies, a careful analysis of Acts 2:17-21 reveals that Luke has modified the Joel quotation in three significant ways, and that each modification serves to highlight an important aspect of the mission of the church. The church's mission is to be characterized by visions and divine guidance, bold witness in the face of intense opposition, and signs and wonders. These three themes run throughout the narrative of Acts, and Luke anticipates that they will continue to mark the life of the church in 'these last days'. Luke's narrative, then, is much more than a nostalgic review of how it all began. Although Luke is concerned to stress the reliability of the apostolic witness, his purposes go beyond this. Luke presents the missionary praxis of the early church as a model that is relevant for His church and ours.