Khoqand (Uzbek Qo'qon/Qŭqon, Pers. Khūkand) is a city in the Farghana (Farghāna) Valley, in present-day southeastern Uzbekistan. The leadership of the Uzbek Ming Shāhrukhid dynasty founded Khoqand in 1153/1740 as the capital of their fledgling state (1799-1876), which later became known as the Khānate of Khoqand. 1. Early history According to the Khoqand chronicles (see the discussion in Levi, 14-21), the Shāhrukhid dynasty (r. 1121-1293/1709-1876) began with Shāh Rukh Bī (d. 1134/1722). In 1121/1709, Shāh Rukh led the Uzbek