1. World travel and tourism today / Graham Todd -- 2. The world of today and tomorrow: the global view / Marvin Certron -- 3. The world of today and tomorrow: the European picture / Michael Willmott and Sarah Graham -- 4. World population and standard of living: implications for international tourism / Douglas Frechtling -- 5. Tourism and hospitality into the 21st century / Hansruedi Muller -- 6. The future of leisure time / Colin Clark -- 7. Tourism research and theories: a review / Betty Weiler -- 8. Hospitality research and theories: a review / Michael Olsen -- 9. Forecasting future tourism flows / Stephen Witt and Haiyan Song -- 10. Africa / Victor Teye -- 11. Asia Pacific / Kenneth Chamberlain -- 12. The Caribbean / Auliana Poon -- 13. Europe / Robert Cleverdon -- 14. Middle East / Salah Wahab -- 15. North America / Suzanne Cook -- 16. South America / Regina Schluter -- 17. Which way for tourist attractions? / Victor Middleton -- 18. Hospitality and the tourist of the future / Michael Olsen -- 19. The future of cruising / Bryong Coulson -- 20. Transport: the tail that wags the dog / John S. Seekings -- 21. The future of timesharing / Nelson Hitchcock -- 22. The tourism marketplace: new challenges / Daniel Affolter -- 23. Travel distribution systems: one-to-one marketing / Maggie Bergsma -- 24. Perspectives and thoughts on tour guiding / Betty Weiler and Sam Ham -- 25. National tourist offices / Walter Leu -- 26. Public-private sector partnerships in tourism / John Heeley -- 27. Coastal resorts and climate change / Martin Lohmann -- 28. Conclusions -- problems, challenges and solutions / Richard Butler and Peter Jones.
Text of Note
"Tourism and Hospitality in the 21st Century examines current global dimensions, patterns and trends; provides a view of the external environment in which tourism and hospitality industries operate; reviews past, present and future tourism and hospitality research; considers trends in world population and standard of living; examines current and likely future trends and developments in work and leisure; and considers how tourism and future tourists may differ from today's tourism and tourists." "Written for senior personnel in private and public sector tourism and hospitality operations; international and national official tourism bodies and other organizations; universities and other higher education institutions; consultancy, finance, construction and supply industries, and as a reference point for students."--Jacket.