PREFACE; CONTENTS; I. COMPARATIVE STATIC ANALYSIS OF THE SIMPLEST INPUT-OUTPUT SYSTEM; 1. Introduction; 2. Laws of Comparative Statics under Weak Gross Substitutability: The Hicksian Laws and the LeChatelier-Samuelson Principle; 3. Properties of the Input-output System; II. STABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE WALRAS-LEONTIEF SYSTEM; 1. Introduction; 2. Semi-global Stability of Equilibrium; 3. Global Stability of Equilibrium; 4. An Alternative System; 5. Comparative Statics; 6. A Mathematical Note; NOTE TO CHAPTER II. STABILITY OF A NON-TÂTONNEMKST PRICING
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2. A Model of an Expanding Capitalist Economy : Marx-von Neumann3. Existence and Efficiency of the Balanced Growth Path; 4. Alternative Model: Walras-von Neumann; VI. BALANCED GROWTH AND EFFICIENT PROGRAMME OF VERY-LONG-RUN GROWTH; 1. Introduction; 2. Proof of a Turnpike Theorem : The 'No-joint-production Case'; 3. Cyclic Exceptions; 4. A Generalization of the Radner-Nikaidô Theorem : Cyclical Growth around the Turnpike; APPENDIX. GENERALIZATIONS OF THE PERRON-FROBENIUS THEOREMS FOR NON NEGATIVE SQUARE MATRICES; 1. Introduction; 2. Non-linear Eigen-vector Problems; 3. Balanced Growth
III. A DYNAMIC LEONTIEF SYSTEM WITH NEO-CLASSICAL PRODUCTION FUNCTIONS1. Introduction; 2. The Determination of Production Coefficients; 3. The Balanced Growth of Outputs; 4. The Demand-Supply Balance of Labour; NOTE TO CHAPTER III. WALRAS'S THEORY OF CAPITAL FORMATION; IV. AN ALTERNATIVE DYNAMIC SYSTEM WITH A SPECTRUM OF TECHNIQUES; 1. Introduction; 2. The Time Path of Prices; 3. The Time Path of Outputs; 4. The Rate of Interest; 5. Technological Invention; 6. Mechanization of Technique; V. WORKABILITY OF GENERALIZED VON NEUMANN MODELS OF BALANCED GROWTH; 1. The Original von Neumann Model
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This book brings together papers that were published by the author in several journals, and which have been revised and contain some new material. The main model carried through the whole book is Leontief's input-output system, which is dynamised from various points of view.