How We Can Have Safe, Clean, Convenient, Affordable, Pleasant Transportation Without Making People Drive Less or Give Up Suburban Living
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Delucchi, Mark; Kurani, Ken
Text of Note
In this report, the authors propose a dual-transportation network and community that would accommodate the preferences for auto-mobility and single-family homes,yet also offer much safer and cleaner, more pleasant and more socially integrated environment than what is commonly proposed in transportation and land use plans. A city with two universally accessible but completely separate and independent transportation networks is proposed. One network is for low-speed lightweight modes (LLMs) and the other is for fast-moving heavy vehicles (FHSVs). The authors review the economics and advantages of such a design, as well as the impacts on transportation problems. They conclude with a discussion regarding the social,political, and consumer factors determining the success of the proposed design.