Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; Introduction; Chapter 1: The Drafters of the 1937 Constitution; Constitutional Drafting in the Inter-War Period; The Drafters; John Hearne; The Editorial Committee; De Valera; The Cabinet; The Jesuits; John Charles McQuaid; The Department of Finance; George Gavan Duffy; Arthur Matheson; Other Influences; Materials Before the Drafters; The 1922 Constitution; 1934 Constitution Review Committee Report; Contemporary Constitutions; Roman Catholicism; Republicanism; Legal and Political Influences; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 2: The Preamble; The Preamble
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Chapter 6: Citizen and StateTrial of Offences; Suspension of the Constitution; Fundamental Rights; 'Blasphemous'; 'Seditious'; 'Indecent'; The Family; Education; Private Property; Directive Principles of Social Policy; Bibliography; Chapter 7: Constitutional Transitions and Alterations; Constitutional Amendment; Powers and Prerogatives; Transitory Provisions; General Election for Seanad Éireann; The Chamber of Deputies 'Shall ... Become and Be'; Seanad Éireann as the 'First President'; 'House Forming the Oireachtas'; 'Shall be signed'; 'Terms, Conditions, Remuneration or Tenure'
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'Enter Upon His Office''Shall Come into Operation'; 'Signified by a Majority of Votes Cast at a Plebiscite'; Bibliography; Conclusion; Appendix: Draft Dating; Draft Dating; P150/2370; P150/2371; P150/2373; P150/2375; P150/2385; P150/2386; P150/2387; P150/2400; P150/2425; Other Holdings; National Archives of Ireland; McQuaid Papers; Final List of Drafts; Bibliography; Index
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Influences on DraftingA Proposed Amendment to the Preamble; Bibliography; Chapter 3: Nation and State; The Nation; The State; Bibliography; Chapter 4: The Head of State; The President; The Powers of the President; Oversight of Presidential Action by the Courts; Presidential Oversight by the Oireachtas; Powers Not Conferred; Suspension of Constitutional Guarantees; Head of National Government; Bibliography; Chapter 5: Institutional Structure; Seanad Éireann; To Be Elected; International Relations; Pre-December 1936; Council of State; Judicial Review; High Court or Supreme Court?; Bibliography
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The second of two volumes, this book situates the drafting of the Irish Constitution within broader transnational constitutional currents. Donal K. Coffey pioneers a new method of draft sequencing in order to track early influences in the drafting process and demonstrate the importance of European influences such as the German, Polish, and Portuguese Constitutions to the Irish drafts. He also analyses the role that religion played in the drafting process, and considers the new institutions of state, such as the presidency and the senate, tracing the genesis of these institutions to other continental constitutions. Together with volume I, Constitutionalism in Ireland, 1932-1938, this book argues that the 1937 Constitution is only explicable within the context of the European and international trends which inspired it.