Springer series on Asian criminology and criminal justice research
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Charts and Tables; About the Author; Chapter 1: Introduction; Contextual Background oftheStudy; Aims oftheStudy andMethodology; Research Method andData; Limitations oftheResearch; Contents andtheOrganisation oftheBook; References; Chapter 2: Social Identity ofMigrant Offenders; Introduction; Hukou, theRural-Urban Divide, Inequality andSocial Exclusion; Socio-demographic Profile ofRural Migrant Offenders; Migrant Offenders' Account of'Push' and'Pull' Factors toRural-to-Urban Migration; Major Push Factors; The Pull Factors
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Gang Life ofRural Migrant YouthsMoney-Making Activities ofMigrant Gangs; Violence andRisk-Taking; Identity ofMigrant Gangs andtheRelationships intheGang Setting; Rural Migrants' Account ofGang Participation; Rural Migrants Who Are Drug Offenders; Drug Law inChina, theHarm Principle andtheNotion ofSocial Supply ofDrugs; Drug Use andDrug-Related Offences Involving Rural Migrant Workers; Drug Use and'Providing Shelter to Others for Drug Taking'; Drug Dealing; Rural Migrants Who Engage inFraud; The Concept ofFraud; Definition ofFraud andFraud Law inChina
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Profile of'Migrant Fraudsters'The Nature ofFrauds Involving Rural Migrant Offenders; The Criminal Firms Engaging inFraud; Partnerships inFraud; Motivations ofRural Migrants forParticipation inFraud; Self-Reflection ofMigrant Fraudsters; Conclusion; References; Chapter 4: Female Rural Migrants andCriminality; Introduction; Migrant Women Who Are Lawbreakers inUrban China; Case Study 1: Rural Migrant Women Who Participate inIllegal Pyramid Selling; The Nature ofPyramid Schemes andChinese Law ConcerningIllegal Pyramid Selling
Rural Migrant Women's Paths toIllegal Pyramid Selling andTheir MotivesWomen's Role intheIllicit Business; Gains andLosses ofMigrant Women inIllegal Pyramid Selling; Case Study 2: Migrant Women Who Are Involved inSex Work-Related Offences; Gendered Conditions ofRural Migrant Women Who Are Perpetrators intheSex Trade; Rural Migrant Women's Entry intotheIllicit Trade andtheRoles They Play; Discussion andConclusion; References; Chapter 5: Punishing Rural Migrant Offenders; Introduction; Rural Migrant Offenders' Perception ofInterpersonal Treatment inCriminal Justice
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This work investigates inequality and social exclusion on contemporary Chinese society, specifically in the context of urbanization, migration and crime. Economic reforms started in the late 1970s (post-Mao) fuelled a trend of urbanization and mass migration within China, largely from rural areas to more economically developed urban regions. With this migration, came new challenges in a rapidly changing society. Researchers have extensively studied the rural-to-urban human movement, social changes, inequality and its impact on individuals and society as a whole. This volume provides a new perspective on this issue. It forges a link between internal migration, inequality, social exclusion and crime in the context of China, through qualitative research into the impact of this phenomenon on individuals' lives. Using a series of case studies drawn from interviews with inmates - men and women - in a large Chinese prison, it focuses on migrant offenders' subjective experiences, and analyses issues from the rarely-heard perspectives of migrant lawbreakers themselves. The research demonstrates how factors - including: the hukou system, rural-urban, class and gender inequalities, prejudices against rural migrants, and other structural problems - often lead to migrant offending. The author argues that to mitigate the effects of criminalisation, the root causes of these problems should be examined, emphasizing radical reforms to the hukou policy, cultural change in urban society to welcome newcomers, positive programs to integrate migrant workers into urban societies and improve their opportunities, rather than inflicting harsher penalties or reducing migration. While the research is based in China, it has clear implications for other regions of the world, which are experiencing similar tensions related to national and international migration. This work will be of interest to researchers in criminology and criminal justice, particularly with an interest in Asia, as well as those in related fields such as sociology, law and social justice.--
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Springer Nature
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Internal migration, crime, and punishment in contemporary China.