Reform of higher education within the context of the knowledge economy and societal change in Egypt
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First Statement of Responsibility
Abu Zayed, Ahmed
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
Wegerif, Rupert ; Jones, Susan
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
University of Exeter
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Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
Thesis (Ph.D.)
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Text of Note
This study explores models for the reform of higher education in Egypt, and warns of potential consequences arising from the adoption of models based exclusively on the requirements of the knowledge economy and which fail to take account of the public role of national universities, socio-cultural realities and local as well as global pressures. The overall aim of the research is to identify the prerequisites for higher education reform in Egypt and the characteristics of a tailor-made reform model. It explores the role of higher education in Egypt, within the context of international organisations' reform models for less-developed countries, and identifies the remits of the knowledge economy and knowledge society as frameworks for reforming higher education. This research has sought to answer questions on current conceptions of the role of higher education in Egypt and how these are being challenged by stakeholders. An exploratory study was designed using mixed methods. The research aim and objectives are achieved through a five-stage research process. The findings showed a general discontent among students and academics with higher education, and a near unanimity on the need for reform, particularly in the areas of teaching methods, curricula and university staff. The findings demonstrated that cultural issues deeply rooted in Egyptian society are preventing reform from being effective. The reform of higher education in Egypt should not only be part of an economic development vision, but a wider strategic vision for societal and cultural reform too. Reforming higher education in Egypt is a challenge, which will require consistent methodological rigour and a transformation of the current corrupted education culture prior to implementing the proposed OECD recommendations, or at the very least concurrent with any implementation.
Higher Education; Higher Education Reform; Knowledge Society; Knowledge Economy; Egypt; Middle East; Developing Countries; UNESCO; OECD; World Bank; Reform Models; Public Good; Private Good; Inclusiveness; Private Higher Education; Public Higher Education; Higher Education in Egypt; Massification of Higher Education; Commercialisation of Higher Education