1. Microspheres for enzyme immobilization / Fei Gao, Yuxia Wang, and Guanghui Ma --;2. Microspheres for cell culture / Weiqing Zhou, Guanghui Ma, and Zhiguo Su --;3. Microcapsules for cell transplantation : design, preparation, and application / Guojun Lv, Ying Zhang, Mingqian Tan, Hongguo Xie, and Xiaojun Ma --;4. Microspheres for the separation and refolding of proteins with an emphasis on particles made of agarose / Jan-Christer Janson --;5. Microspheres for separation of bioactive small molecules / Fangling Gong, Guifeng Zhang, and Zhiguo Su --;6. Microspheres for separation of PEG-modified biomolecules / Yongdong Huang, Yanqin Zhai, and Zhiguo Su --;7. Microspheres for solid-phase organic synthesis / Jing Zhang and Zhiguo Su --;8. Microspheres for solid-phase modification of proteins / Tao Hu and Zhiguo Su --;9. Microspheres and microcapsules for protein drug delivery / Lianyan Wang, Tingyuan Yang, and Guanghui Ma --;10. Micro/nanospheres for gene drug delivery / Jie Wu and Guanghui Ma --;11. Microspheres for targeting delivery of anticancer drugs / Wei Wei, Zhanguo Yue, Hua Yue, and Guanghui Ma --;12. Microspheres for targeting delivery to brain / Chen Jiang, Xinguo Jiang, Yang Liu, Kun Shao, and Rongqin Huang --;13. Nano/microspheres in bioimaging and medical diagnosis / Xiaohui Li and Chunying Chen --;14. Affinity nanoparticles for detection / Haruma Kawaguchi and Hiroshi Handa.