Machine generated contents note: 1. topography of composing work -- 1.1. Parameters and resources -- 1.2. Peers and non-peers -- 1.3. Material objects: musical instruments, computers and writing materials -- 1.4. Immaterial objects: discourses, notation systems, algorithms and software -- 2. processuality of composing -- 2.1. Exploring -- Understanding -- Valuing -- Making -- 2.2. cohesion of activities inherent in processes -- 2.3. artistic creative processes as a dynamic interlinking of actions -- 3. Orchestrating different forms of knowledge -- 3.1. various manifestations of artistic practical knowing -- 3.2. centrality of learning -- 3.3. Forms of knowledge in composing processes: an interpretative order -- 3.4. synergy between the various forms of knowledge -- 4. Musicological perspectives on composing / Andreas Holzer -- 4.1. Perspectives on composing-as-process: a historical outline -- 4.2. components of composing practices and their interrelations: present-day observations.