Series: Methods in molecular biology )Clifton, N.J.( ;v. 996.
Series Title
Series: Springer protocols )Series(
Text of Note
Protein nanotechnology: What is it? --Bioengineered silk proteins to control cell and tissue functions --Aqueous-based spinning of fibers from self-assembling structural proteins --Fibrous protein nanofibers --Self-assembling nanomaterials: Monitoring the formation of amyloid fibrils, with a focus on small-angle-ray scattering --Amyloid fibrils from readily available sources: Milk casein and lens crystallin proteins --Formation of amphipathic amyloid monolayers from fungal hydrophobin proteins --Proteins and peptides as biological nanowires: Towards biosensing devices --Nanotechnology with s-layer proteins --Stimuli-responsive peptide nanostructures at the fluid-fluid interface --Designed self-assembling peptides as templates for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles --Purification of molecular machines and nanomotors using phage-derived monoclonal antibody fragments --Determination of enzyme thermal parameters for rational enzyme engineering and environmental/evolutionary studies --Rational-based protein engineering: Tips and tools --Construction and analysis of randomized protein-encoding libraries using error-prone PCR --Droplets as reaction compartments for protein nanotechnology --Label-free, real-time interaction and adsorption analysis 1: Surface plasmon resonance --Label-free, real-time interaction and adsorption analysis 2: Quartz crystal microbalance --Atomic force microscopy for protein nanotechnology.