Contents: Horowitz, I. L. Introduction.- Horowitz, I. L. Cuban communism.- Victoria, N. A. Mass and class in the origins of the Cuban revolution.- Fagen, R. R. Revolution: for internal consumption only.- Zeitlin, M. Cuba: revolution with a blueprint.- Mesa- Lago, C. Ideological radicalization and economic policy in Cuba.- Barkin, D. Cuban agriculture: a strategy of economic development.- Bernardo, R. M. Moral stimulation and labor allocation in Cuba.- Khal, J. A. The moral economy of a revolutionary society.- Hochshild, A. Student power in action.- San Martin, M. and Bonachea, R. L. The military dimension of the Cuban revolution.- Fox, G. E. Cuban racism.- Kahl, J. A. Cuban paradox: stratified equality.- Horowitz, I. L.The political sociology of Cuban communism