Machine generated contents note: Introduction -- PAUL NEWMAN AND MARTHA RATLIFF -- I Fieldwork as a state of mind -- LARRY M. HYMAN -- 2 Who shapes the record: the speaker and the linguist -- MARIANNE MITHUN -- 3 Places and people: field sites and informants -- GERRIT J. DIMMENDAAL -- 4 Ulwa (Southern Sumu): the beginnings of a language research -- project -- KEN HALE -- 5 Escaping Eurocentrism: fieldwork as a process of unlearning -- DAVID GIL -- 6 Surprises in Sutherland: linguistic variability amidst social -- uniformity -- NANCY C. DORIAN -- 7 The role of text collection and elicitation in linguistic fieldwork -- SHOBHANA L. CHELLIAH -- 8 Monolingual field research -- DANIEL L. EVERETT -- 9 The give and take of fieldwork: noun classes and other concerns -- in Fatick, Senegal -- FIONA MC LAUGHLIN AND THIERNO SEYDOU SALL -- 10 Phonetic fieldwork -- IAN MADDIESON -- 11 Learning as one goes -- KEREN RICE -- 12 The last speaker is dead - long live the last speaker! -- NICHOLAS EVANS -- Index.