v.1-6. Zoology: texts and studies collected and reprinted.- v.7-8. Kitab Hayat al-hayawan/ Kamaladdin Muhammad ibn Musa ad-Damiri.- v.9-12. Ad-Damiri's Hayat al-Hayawan (A zoological lexicon)/ by A.S.G. Jayakar.- v. 13. Kamaladdin Muhammad ibn Musa ad-Damiri and his Kitab Hayat al-hayawan (texts and studies collected and reprinted).- v.14-15. Falconry (texts and studies collected and reprinted).- v.16-19. Botany (Texts and studies collected and reprinted).- v.20-24. Agriculture (Texts and studies collectged and reprinted).- v.25-26. Le livre de l'agriculture (Kitab al-Filaha) d'Ibn al-Auwam (debut 6e/12e s.)/ Traduit de l'Arabe par Jean-Jacques Clement-Mullet.- v.27-28. Geology and mineralogy (texts and studies collected and reprinted).- v.29. Kitab al-Jamahir fi ma'rifat al-jawahir/ Abu I-Rayhan al-Biruni.- v.30. K. al-Jamahir fi ma'rifat al-jawahir/ Abu I-Rayhan al-Biruni.- v.31. K. Azhar al-afkar fi jawahir al-ahjar/ Ahmad ibn Yusuf at-Tifashi.- v.32-34. Optics (Texts and studies collected and reprinted).- v.35-36. al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham buhuthuhu wa-kushufuhu l-basariya/ Mustafa Nazif Beg.- v.37. Archimedes and philon in the Arabic tradition.- v.38. Hero of Alexandria in the Arabic tradition.- v.39. General Technology (Texts and studies collected and reprinted).- v.40. Banu Musa ibn Shakir.- v.41.Badi'azzaman Ibn ar-Razza al-Jazari (d. after 602/1206).- v.42. Musical automata and the organ.- v.43. Water-lifting devices in the islamic world.- v.44. The cairo nilometer.- v.45-46. The knowledge of weights in the islamic world.- v.47. Mizan al-Hikma/ by Abu l-Fath Abdarrahman al-Khazini.- v.48-49. Materiaux pour servir a l'histoire de la numismatique et de la metrologie musulmanes/ Henri Sauvaire.- v.50-51. Meteorology (Texts and studies collected and reprinted).- v.52. Abu Muhammad Abdallah Ibn Qutaib
شرايط تهيه و بها
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عنوان و نام پديدآور
عنوان اصلي
art Persan
نام عام مواد
ساير اطلاعات عنواني
: An Islamic Guide For Spiritual Migration (Towards God)