علوم پزشکی

Drug addiction and drug policy :
المؤلف: edited by Philip B. Heymann, William N. Brownsberger.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Drug abuse-- Government policy-- United States.,Drug abuse-- United States-- Prevention.,Drug control-- United States.,Drugs of abuse-- Law and legislation-- United States.,Substance abuse-- United States-- Prevention.,Substance abuse-- United States.,Drug and Narcotic Control-- legislation & jurisprudence-- United States.,Public Policy-- United States.,Substance-Related Disorders-- prevention and control-- United States.,Drogue, Lutte contre la-- États-Unis.,Drogues-- Droit-- États-Unis.,Polytoxicomanie-- États-Unis-- Prévention.,Polytoxicomanie-- États-Unis.,Toxicomanie-- États-Unis-- Prévention.,Toxicomanie-- Politique gouvernementale-- États-Unis.,Drug abuse-- Government policy.,Drug abuse-- Prevention.,Drug control.,Drugs of abuse-- Law and legislation.,PSYCHOLOGY-- Psychopathology-- Addiction.,SELF-HELP-- Substance Abuse & Addictions-- General.,Substance abuse-- Prevention.,Substance abuse.,United States., 7
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