Iranian history and politics :the dialectic of state and society
London ;New York :
xiv, 274 p. ;25 cm.
RoutledgeCurzon/BIPS Persian studies series
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The theory of arbitrary rule: status and implications -- Towards a general theory of Iranian revolutions -- Arbitrary rule: a comparative theory of state, politics and society in Iran -- The Aridisolatic Society: a model of long-term social and economic development in Iran -- European liberalisms and modern concepts of liberty in Iran -- Problems of democracy and the public sphere in modern Iran -- Problems of political development in Iran: democracy, dictatorship or arbitrary government -- Liberty and licence in the constitutional revolution of Iran -- The campaign against the Anglo-Iranian Agreement of 1919 -- The revolt of Shaikh Mohammed Khiyabani -- Iran's fiscal history and the nature of state and society in Iran -- The execution of Amir Hasank the Vazir: some lessons for the historical sociology of Iran