Treatment of the Monotheistic Religions in World History High School Textbooks: A Comparison of Sample Editions 2001-2007
\ Jason Eugene Allen
: West Virginia University, USA
, 2009
vii, 114p.
Code E.Dissertation:7
This study examines the treatment of the three most practiced monotheistic religions,Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, within the pages of High School World HistoryTextbooks. The results find that within World History textbooks Christianity and Islamreceive more coverage than Judaism in narrative content, word usage, illustrations, andquestions presented. Christianity receives the greatest amount of narrative content in alltextbooks studied whereas Islam has portrayals that highlight the spiritual aspects of thereligion to a greater extent than do Christianity and Judaism. Judaism received the leastamount of coverage of the three religions. Very little is presented concerning theaccomplishments and overall history of Judaism unless it has a connection to Christianityor Islam. Prentice Hall has little change in monotheistic content between the selectededitions. The McDougal Littell text did make changes in its presentation of each of themonotheistic religions.The study analyzed two of the most commonly adapted textbook titles in The UnitedStates: Prentice Hall’s World History: Connections to Today and McDougal Littell’sPatterns of Interactions. The most recent edition of each title was analyzed and thencompared to the 2001 edition of the same title. As the analysis was completed, a journalwas maintained to record findings which were then placed within a data collection chartcreated for this research. Quantitative findings were reported in absolute numbers andpercentages when appropriate with a narrative conclusion providing the study’s overallfindings.