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Encyclopedia Of The Middle Passage: Greenwood Milestones In African American History
پدید آورنده
/ edited By Toyin Falola And Amanda Warnock
Slave trade -- Africa -- History -- Encyclopedias., Slave trade -- United States -- History -- Encyclopedias, Slave trade -- Atlantic Ocean -- History -- Encyclopedias, African Americans -- History -- Encyclopedias.,بردهفروشی -- آفریقا -- تاریخ دایره المعارفها
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Encyclopedia Of The Middle Passage: Greenwood Milestones In African American History
/ edited By Toyin Falola And Amanda Warnock
Westport, Connecticut
: Greenwood Press
, 2007.
xxxv, 426 p.
ill., maps
Greenwood milestones in African American history
Code E.Book: 2618
Abolitionism -- Abolition of the Slave trade, Brazil -- Abolition of the Slave trade, France -- Abolition of the Slave trade, Great Britain -- Abolition of the Slave trade, Spain -- Abolition of the Slave trade, United States -- Accidents and explosions -- Accra -- Adanggaman (2000) -- African fears of cannibalism -- African Institution -- African rulers and the slave trade -- African Squadrons, the -- Africanus, Leo (c. 1490-c. 1530) -- AfricaTown, Alabama -- Allada -- Amistad (1997) -- Amistad, the -- Angola -- Annobon -- Archeology -- Aro -- Arochukwu -- Arrivals -- Asante -- Asiento -- Atkins, John (1685-1757) -- Baquaqua, Mahommah Gardo (1824/31-?) -- Barbot, John (Jean) (1655-1712) -- Barracoons -- Benezet, Anthony (1713-1784) -- Benin -- Benito Cereno (1855) -- Bissagos -- Black Sailors -- Bonny -- Bordeaux -- Bozal -- Branding -- Brathwaite, Kamau (1930- ) -- Brazil -- Bristol -- British Caribbean -- British Navy -- British slave trade -- Brookes, the -- Buenos Aires -- Calabar -- Cape Coast Castle -- Cape Verde -- Captains -- Cargoes -- Carpenters -- Cartagena -- Chains -- Charleston -- Children -- Christianity -- Claver, Saint Peter (1580-1654) -- Closure of the Slave trade -- Clotilda, the -- Coffle -- Congo River -- Cowry shells (cowries) -- Credit and finance -- Crew -- Cuba -- Cugoano, Quobna Ottobah (c. 1757-1803) -- Curaçao -- Dahomey -- Daily schedule -- Dancing and exercise -- Danish slave trade -- Decentralized societies -- Destinations -- Disease -- Doctors and surgeons -- Doldrums -- Door of No Return -- Drownings -- Duration of voyages -- Dutch Slave trade -- Elmina -- Enslavement and procurement -- Entrepôts -- Equiano, Olaudah (1745-1797) -- Eric Williams Thesis (1944) -- Escapes and runaways (maroonage) -- Ethnicity -- Europe, enslaved Africans in -- Falconbridge, Alexander (?-1792) -- Families and family separations -- Fernando Po -- Firearms and gunpowder -- Folklore -- Food -- Fort Saint Louis -- Fredensborg, the -- Free trade -- French Caribbean -- French slave trade -- Galley slaves -- Gambia River -- Garcia II of Kongo (r. 1641-1661) -- Gender and slave exports -- Gold Coast -- Gorée Island -- Guerrero, the -- Haitian Revolution, the -- Handbooks for slave traders -- Havana -- Henrietta Marie, the -- Hispaniola -- Historical memory -- Historiography -- Hold -- Humanitarianism -- Igbo -- Illegal slave trade, Brazil -- Illegal slave trade, Spanish Caribbean -- Indentured servants -- Indian Ocean -- Insurance -- Interlopers -- Internal slave trade, Brazil -- Internal slave trade, United States -- Islam and Muslims -- Ivory Wreck, the -- Jamaica -- Key West African Cemetery -- Kongo -- Kormantyn -- Lagos -- Languages and communication -- Leeward Islands -- Legitimate commerce -- Lewis, Cudjo (?-1935) -- Liberia -- Licensing -- Life expectancy -- Lisbon -- Liverpool -- Loango -- London -- Luanda -- Manqueron -- "Middle Passage" (1966) -- Middle Passage, the (2000) -- Minor European nations -- Monopoly -- Mortality, crew -- Mortality, slave -- Mozambique -- Museums -- Music, songs, and singing -- Nancy, the -- Nantes -- Narratives by slave traders -- Nbena -- New England -- New Orleans -- Newton, John (1725-1807) -- Oral history -- Ouidah -- Ounce trade -- Overcrowding -- Phillips, Thomas -- Plans and diagrams -- Plantations -- Ports -- Portuguese slave trade -- Potosí -- Price -- Profits and investors -- Rape and sexual abuse -- Re-captives and liberated Africans -- Re-export -- Regulations -- Religion -- Reparations -- Returnees to Africa -- Royal Africa Company -- Rum and cachaça -- Saint Domingue -- "Saltwater Negroes" -- São Tomé -- "Seasoning" -- Seasons -- Senegal -- Seville -- Shipmate -- Shipwrecks -- Shipyards -- Sierra Leone -- Slave coast -- Slave merchants (slave traders) -- Slave narratives and slave autobiography -- "Slavers throwing overboard the dead and dying--typhon coming on" (1840) -- Slavery in Africa -- Smuggling -- Spanish Caribbean -- Storms -- Sugar -- Suicide -- Supply and demand -- Taxes -- Textiles -- Torture -- Tourism -- Trade commodities -- Trade forts -- Trans-Atlantic slave trade database -- Trans-Saharan slave trade -- Triangular trade -- Trudo, Agaja (r. 1708-1732) -- Ventilation and suffocation -- Vili -- Violence -- Volume -- Wars, African -- Washington, Madison (c. 1815-?) -- Water and dehydration -- Wheatley, Phillis (1753-1784) -- Wilberforce, William (1759-1833) -- Windward coast -- Windward Islands -- Women -- Zong, the -- Zulueta, Pedro de.
Slave trade -- Africa -- History -- Encyclopedias.
Slave trade -- United States -- History -- Encyclopedias
Slave trade -- Atlantic Ocean -- History -- Encyclopedias
African Americans -- History -- Encyclopedias.
بردهفروشی -- آفریقا -- تاریخ دایره المعارفها
Falola, Toyin
فالولا، توین
Warnock, Amanda
وارموک، آماندا
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