The basis of dominance / Athel Cornish-Bowden and Vidyanand Nanjundiah -- Phenomenology and mechanistics of dominance / Reiner Veitia and Bruno Bost -- Dominance, nonlinear developmental mapping and developmental stability / Christian Peter Klingenberg -- Phenotype and stochastic gene expression : can the noise cause haploinsufficiency? / Anthony N. Gerber, D.L. Cook and S.J. Tapscott -- Stochastic gene expression : dominance, thresholds, and boundaries / H. Frederik Nijhout -- Mathematical models of haploinsufficiency / Indrani Bose and Rajesh Karmakar -- Biological consequences of dosage dependent gene regulation in multicellular eukaryotes / James A. Birchler and Donald L. Auger -- Clusters of functionally related genes in eukaryotes, dosage balance and evolvability / Reiner A. Veitia -- Lessons from a genetic network about the causes of dominance / Andreas Wagner -- From beanbag genetics to feedback genetics : bridging the gap between regulatory biology and quantitative genetics theory / Stig W. Omholt.