The Meaning Saudi International Undergraduate Students Give to Plagiarism at One Private College in the United States
Costalas, Georgia
Reinert, Paul M.
Wilkes University
167 p.
Wilkes University
International students face many challenges when studying in the United States. Among the most difficult is abiding by the rules of academic integrity and, specifically, avoiding plagiarism. Violations of academic integrity cost international students and their host institutions much. Finances suffer; time is lost; educational opportunities are forfeited; and shame is brought on students, their families, and their institutions. This qualitative research project was conducted to find what meaning Saudi international students at a U.S. college give to plagiarism. The central question was "In what ways do Saudi international students give meaning to plagiarism?" The study was designed and was conducted using phenomenological qualitative methods. The phenomenon is how Saudi international students at a U.S. college understand and handle plagiarism as they prepare academic assignments. Three Saudi undergraduate students were interviewed. The researcher reported on the meaning students give to plagiarism and how culture influences their understanding and behavior concerning plagiarism. Knowing what Saudi students understand and do not understand about academic integrity and how to avoid committing plagiarism may help educators who instruct students on plagiarism so that more Saudi students can successfully and honorably complete their studies and earn their degrees in the United States.