Globalization -- agony or ecstasy? setting the scene -- How globalization affects markets -- distortion and extortion -- How globalization affects poor people -- How global changes affect politics -- This is the age of a Civicus -- the rise of civil society -- Civil society in the network era -- Retaining relevance -- The protest movement and the "dot-causes" -- Pressure groups under pressure -- Civilizing globalization -- Making globalization ethical -- by making ethics global.
Globalization is one of the most charged political battlegrounds of our age. Its advocates say it is an engine for universal prosperity, while its critics see it as a race to the bottom for poor people and poor countries. Both sides either don℗t or won℗t understand what the other is saying. Worlds Apart tries to bridge this divide by interpreting both sets of arguments and getting behind the polemics. Not searching for a middle ground, it unashamedly looks at the issues through a poverty lens and highlights the injustices of widening inequalities and stacked odds in world trade and finance. It argues for a different management of global change that ensures everyone shares in its opportunities - it is a call for 'ethical globalization'.