Introductory Chapter -- An Introduction to Human-Centered Software Engineering -- Principles, Myths and Challenges -- Key Principles for User-Centred Systems Design -- HCI, Usability and Software Engineering Integration: Present and Future -- Surveying the Solitudes: An Investigation into the Relationships between Human Computer Interaction and Software Engineering in Practice -- Convergence or Competition between Software Engineering and Human Computer Interaction -- Requirements, Scenarios, and Use-cases -- Experience with Using General Usability Scenarios on the Software Architecture of a Collaborative System -- Linking User Needs and Use Case-Driven Requirements Engineering -- Guiding Designers to the World of Usability: Determining Usability Requirements Through Teamwork -- Transforming Usability Engineering Requirements into Software Engineering Specifications: From PUF to UML -- UCD, Unified and Agile Processes -- Which, When and How Usability Techniques and Activities Should Be Integrated -- Coping with Complexity -- Towards a Model for Bridging Agile Development and User-Centered Design -- Ripple: An Event Driven Design Representation Framework for Integrating Usability and Software Engineering Life Cycles -- UCD Knowledge and UI design Patterns -- Integrating User-Centered Design Knowledge with Scenarios -- Patterns of Integration: Bringing User Centered Design into the Software Development Lifecycle -- UI Design Patterns: Bridging Use Cases and UI Design -- UI Design Patterns: From Theory to Practice.
Brings to light the major issues and challenges in the integration of the fields of HCI and Software Engineering. This book offers various solutions to bridging the HCI and SE gap, including: extending software engineering artifacts for UI specification.
Human-centered software engineering.
Human-computer interaction.
Object-oriented programming (Computer science)
Software engineering.
User interfaces (Computer systems)
Conception participative (Conception des systèmes)
Génie logiciel.
Interaction homme-machine (Informatique)
Interfaces utilisateurs (Informatique)
Logiciels-- Développement.
COMPUTERS-- Interactive & Multimedia.
COMPUTERS-- Social Aspects-- Human-Computer Interaction.