pt. 1. Overview. ch. 1. The development of Taiwan's IC industry: An overview / Chun-Yen Chang and Po-Lung Yu -- pt. 2. Management innovation. ch. 2. The three Vs of global competitiveness / Han-Lin Li and Jia-Jane Shuai -- ch. 3. Employee profit sharing and stock ownership attracts world-class employees / An-Pin Chen and Shinn-Wen Wang -- pt. 3. IC/PC industries. ch. 4. The integrated circuit industry: A technological powerhouse / Charles V. Trappey and Hubert Chen -- ch. 5. IC foundries: A booming industry / Muh-Cherng Wu -- ch. 6. Taiwan's IC packaging industry: A local success story goes international / Pao-Long Chang and Chien-Tzu Tsai -- ch. 7. The notebook niche / Jen-Hung Huang -- ch. 8. Desktop PCs: A project management revolution / Chyan Yang -- pt. 4. Technical and capital innovation. ch. 9. Competing in the knowledge game: Intellectual property rights / Shang-Jyh Liu -- ch. 10. Investment: The life blood of growth / Chih-Young Hung -- pt. 5. Education and government policy. ch. 11. The industrial park: Government's gift to industrial development / Pao-Long Chang and Chiung-Wen Hsu -- ch. 12. Intellectual capital in the information industry / Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng and Meng-Yu Lee -- pt. 6. Culture and people. ch. 13. Five life experiences that shape Taiwan's character / Po-Lung Yu and Chieh-Yow ChiangLin.
Many nations and states have tried to build successful technological industries, but failed. Taiwan is an exception. Indeed, it is the third-largest production center for integrated circuits and personal computers. How has Taiwan made it, and how to do business successfully with Taiwan? This book aims to provide answers to those questions and to share the successful experience of Taiwan with others. If Taiwan could make it, then other nations, by learning from its experiences and patterns of development, can also make it, or even excel Taiwan. The book presents historical and analytical views.