Fast automatic systems for nuclear emulsion scanning: technique and experiments -- Probing the QGP with charm at ALICE-LHC -- magnetic screening length in hot QCD -- Non-supersymmetric deformation of the Klebanov-Strassler model and the related plane wave theory -- Holographic renormalization made simple: an example -- The kamLAND impact on neutrino oscillations -- Particle identification with the ALIC TOF detector at very high multiplicity -- Superpotentials of N = 1 SUSY gauge theories -- Measurement of the proton structure function F2 in QED compton scattering at HERA -- Yang-Mills effective action at high temperature -- The time of flight (TOF) system of the ALICE experiment -- Almost product manifolds as the low energy geometry of Dirichlet Brane.
Highlights from BNL. new phenomena at RHIC -- Highlights from BABAR -- Diffraction studied with a hard scale at HERA -- The large hadron collider: a status report -- Status of non-LHC experiments at CERN -- Highlights from Gran Sass.
Supersymmetry in nuclei -- Inflation, dark matter, dark energy -- How many dimensions are really compactified? -- Horizons -- Neutrino oscillations physics -- Fundamental constants and their possible time dependence.
The latest in lattice QCD -- Quark-gluon plasma physics -- String theory and exact results in quantum field theory -- The status of local supersymmetry.
This volume is a unique report on the frontiers of subnuclear physics presented by global specialists in a clear and rigorous style. The question of Lattice QCD is presented by R D Kenway, and that of Quark-Gluon Plasma Physics by F Karsch. Quantum Field theory is discussed by R G Dijkgraff, and the status of Local Supersymmetry by M J Duff. Detailed analysis of Supersymmetry in Nuclei is made by F Iachello, and that of Inflation, Dark Matter and Dark Energy by E W Kolb. Compactified dimensions are outlined by I Antoniadis, Horizons in the quantization of the gravitational force by Nobel Laure.
From quarks to black holes.
Proceedings of the International School of Subnuclear Physics
Gauge fields (Physics), Congresses.
Gluons, Congresses.
Quarks, Congresses.
Supersymmetry, Congresses.
Gauge fields (Physics)
SCIENCE-- Physics-- Atomic & Molecular.
SCIENCE-- Physics-- Nuclear.
SCI-- 051000
SCI-- 074000
Zichichi, Antonino.
International School of Subnuclear Physics(41st :2003 :, Erice, Italy)