Front Cover; Advances in Clinical Chemistry, Volume 2; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors to Volume 2; Foreword to the Series; Preface to Volume 2; List of Tables; Chapter 1. Paper Electrophoresis: Principles and Techniques; Introduction; References; Part I. Critical Review of One-Dimensional Methods; Part II. Two-Dimensional Methods; Part III. New Developments; Chapter 2. Blood Ammonia; 1. Historical Introduction; 2. Normal Metabolism of Ammonia; 3. Pathological Alterations in Ammonia Metabolism; 4. Theories of the Mechanism of Hepatic Coma.
3. Occurrence of the Three Bile Pigments in Biological Material4. Biosynthesis of Bilirubin Glucuronide; 5. Nonglucuronide Conjugation of Bilirubin; 6. Toxicity of Bilirubin; 7. Disorders of Bile Pigment Metabolism Causing Jaundice; 8. Methods; References; Chapter 6. Automation; 1. Introduction; 2. Automation as a Laboratory Aid; 3. Conclusions; References; Author Index; Subject Index.
5. Methods for the Alteration of the Blood AmmoniaReferences; Chapter 3. Idiopathic Hypercalcemia of Infancy; 1. Introduction; 2. Clinical Types; 3. Clinical Features; 4. Morbid Anatomy and Histology of Fatal Cases; 5. Biochemistry; 6. Diagnosis; 7. Etiology; 8. Geographical Distribution; 9. Prevention; 10. Treatment; Addendum; References; Chapter 4. Amino Aciduria; 1. Introduction; 2. Methods; 3. Amino Aciduria in Normal Subjects; 4. Amino Aciduria in Disease; 5. General Conclusion; References; Chapter 5. Bile Pigments in Jaundice; 1. Introduction; 2. Identification of "Direct Bilirubin."