A Sepsis-related Diagnosis Impacts Interventions and Predicts Outcomes for Emergency Patients with Severe Sepsis
Kim, Mitchell; Watase, Taketo; Jablonowski, Karl D.; Gatewood, Medley O.; Henning, Daniel J.
Introduction: Many patients meeting criteria for severe sepsis are not given a sepsis-relateddiagnosis by emergency physicians (EP). This study 1) compares emergency department (ED)interventions and in-hospital outcomes among patients with severe sepsis, based on the presenceor absence of sepsis-related diagnosis, and 2) assesses how adverse outcomes relate to three-hoursepsis bundle completion among patients fulfilling severe sepsis criteria but not given a sepsisrelateddiagnosis.
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Kim, Mitchell; Watase, Taketo; Jablonowski, Karl D.; Gatewood, Medley O.; Henning, Daniel J.