Tuberculosis still remains a huge global health problem. Control of tuberculosis expansionis very difficult. It requires the long-term use of anti-mycobacterial drugs. The BacilleCalmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination protects against tuberculosis-related meningitis and disseminatedtuberculosis. Although vaccination with BCG is considered safe, adverse regional(BCG-itis) and disseminated (BCG-osis) diseases preferentially occur in the immunocompromisedhost. The infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) by mother-to-childtransmission leads to impaired cellular immune responses, a situation that poses a greatchallenge regarding the universal use of BCG vaccine. World Health Organization recommendsthat children who are known to be HIV -infected, even if asymptomatic, should nolonger be immunized with BCG. We report a patient with solitary skin lesion from the BCGinjection site.