Achieving equity and quality in higher education :
global perspectives in an era of widening participation /
edited by Mahsood Shah and Jade KcKay.
Cham, Switzerland :
Palgrave Macmillan,
1 online resource
Palgrave studies in excellence and equity in global education
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Series Foreword; Preface: The Quest to Achieve Equity andExcellence; References; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1: Leadership forInstitutional Change toPromote Diversity andSuccess; Introduction; The UK Context; The UK HESystem; Diversity andQuality: TheTeaching Excellence Framework; Empirical Evidence; Study 1: What Works? Student Retention andSuccess; Study 2: Understanding aWhole Institution Approach toWidening Participation; Whole Institution Approach; Leadership Framework; Lead Through Collaborative Practices
Leadership for institutional change to promote diversity and success / Liz Thomas -- Vertically segregated higher education and the life course : comparing patterns over 28 years / Lesley Andres and Ashley Pullman -- Supporting students' learning : the power of the student-teacher relationship / Debra Cureton and Phil Gravestock -- Facilitating the success of students from low SES backgrounds at regional universities through course design, teaching, and staff attributes / Marcia Devlin and Jade McKay -- A case study using developmental education to raise equity and maintain standards / Michelle Hodara, Di Xu, and Julie Petrokubi -- Vision 20:20 and indigenous health workforce development : institutional strategies and initiatives to attract underrepresented students into elite courses / Elana Taipapaki Curtis -- Social inclusion or social engineering? : the politics and reality of widening access to medicine in the UK / Kirsty Alexander and Jennifer Cleland -- University strategies to improve the academic success of disadvantaged students : three experiences in Chile / Oscar Espinoza, Noel McGinn, and Luis Eduardo González -- Widening participation in medicine in the UK / Paul Garrud and Clare Owen -- Affirmative actions as an instrument to balance access to superior education in Brazil : the quotas policy / Rubens Becak and Luis Felipe Cirino -- The conundrum of achieving quality higher education in South Africa / Sadhana Manik and Labby Ramrathan -- Fees regimes and widening access in the four UK nations : are no-fees regimes necessarily more socially inclusive? / Sheila Riddell and Elisabet Weedon -- High status professions, their related degrees and the social construction of 'quality' / Erica Southgate, Susan Grimes, and Jarrad Cox -- How can contextualised admissions widen participation? / Stephen Gorard, Vikki Boliver, and Nadia Siddiqui -- Governmental supports for students in Turkey : beneficiary perspective on the use of financial and social support in higher education / Yasar Kondakci, Kadir Beycioglu, Yusuf İkbal Oldac, and Hanife Hilal Senay.
Articulate Clear, Aspirational Goals, Linked toInstitutional Mission andValuesCultivate aCulture that Keeps Students andLearning atthe Centre ofDecision Making; Foster Shared Responsibility andLeadership atAll Levels oftheInstitution; Make Strategic Choices andTake Informed Risks; Focus onDynamic, Improvement-Oriented Planning, Executing andCommunicating; Conclusions; References; 2: Vertically Segregated Higher Education andtheLife Course: Comparing Patterns Over 28 Years; The Higher Education System inBritish Columbia: AShort History
Course DesignStudent Expectations; Student Preparedness; Building Capacity toSucceed; Assessment; High Quality Teaching; Inclusive Pedagogical Approach; Engagement ThroughActive andInteractive Learning; Flexibility; Staff Attributes; Respect forStudents andSensitivity toLow SES Issues; Empathic Support; Approachable Staff; Staff Professional Development; Conclusion; References; 5: A Case Study Using Developmental Education toRaise Equity andMaintain Standards; Introduction; National Scope ofDevelopmental Education; Evidence RegardingtheEffectiveness ofDevelopmental Education
Relationships Between Staff andStudentsPsychosocial Aspects; Social andCultural Capital or Habitus; What Do Students Most Appreciate inLearning Relationships?; What Can WeDo toEncourage Facilitative Learning Relationships?; Concluding Comment; References; 4: Facilitating theSuccess ofStudents fromLow SES Backgrounds at Regional Universities Through Course Design, Teaching, andStaff Attributes; Introduction; The Higher Education Landscape inAustralia; Students fromLow SES Backgrounds atRegional Universities; The Study; Findings; Student Characteristics; Sociocultural Considerations
Across the world, higher education is witnessing exponential growth in both student participation and types of educational providers. One key phenomenon of this growth is an increase in student diversity: governments are widening access to higher education for students from traditionally underrepresented groups. However, this raises questions about whether this rapid growth may in face compromise academic quality. This book presents case studies of how higher education institutions in diverse countries are maintaining academic excellence while increasing the access and participation of students from historically underrepresented backgrounds. Including case studies spanning four continents, the authors and editors examine whether increasing widening participation positively impacts upon academic quality. This volume will be of interest and value to students and scholars of global higher education, representation and participation in education, and quality in higher education.