4.2.2 Expanded Granular Sludge Bed (EGSB) Bioreactor4.2.3 Horizontal-Flow Anaerobic Immobilized Biomass (HAIB) Reactor; 4.2.4 Fixed-Structure Bed Reactor (ABFSB) Reactor; 4.3 Application of Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics in the Improvement of Knowledge of Methanogenic Processes; 4.3.1 Molecular Fingerprinting; 4.3.2 Next-Generation Sequencing; 4.4 Final Remarks; References; 5 Co-digestion of Animal Manure and Carcasses to Increase Biogas Generation; Abstract; 5.1 Livestock Production; 5.1.1 Cattle; 5.1.2 Poultry; 5.1.3 Swine; 5.2 Management and Treatment of Animal Carcasses
5.3 Anaerobic Digestion Process Using Animal by-Products5.3.1 Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP); 5.3.2 Co-digestion of Animal Carcass; 5.3.3 Sanitary Aspects of Animal Carcass Anaerobic Digestion; 5.3.4 Compounds that May Cause Inhibition During AcoD Using Animal by-Products; Free Ammonia (FA); Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA); Foaming Generation; 5.4 Legislation Applied for Animal by-Products Treatment and Disposal; 5.5 Final Remarks; Aknowledgements; References
Abstract3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Enzymes as a Mediator of Biogas Yield; 3.2.1 Hydrolysis; 3.2.2 Acidogenesis; 3.2.3 Acetogenesis; Principal Interactions in Propionate and Ethanol Degradation; Principal Interactions in Fatty Acids Oxidation; 3.2.4 Methane Production; 3.3 Inhibition of Biogas Production and Biodegradability; References; 4 Improved Methanogenic Communities for Biogas Production; Abstract; 4.1 Methanogenesis: Ecology, Metabolism, and Diversity; 4.2 Bioreactors: Biotechnological Processes for Methane Production; 4.2.1 Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Reactor
This book highlights the current limitations of biogas production and yield and new avenues to improving them. Biogas production and yield are among the most important renewable energy targets for our world. Pursuing an innovative and biotechnological approach, the book presents alternative sources for biogas production and explores a broad range of aspects, including: pre-treatment of substrates, accelerators (enzyme-mediated) and inhibitors involved in the process of obtaining biogas and its yield, design specifications for digesters/modified digesters, managing biogas plants, microbial risk and slurry management, energy balance and positive climatic impacts of the biogas production chain, and the impacts on Human, Animal and Environmental Health ("One Health" concept for the biogas chain).
Springer Nature
Improving biogas production.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING-- Power Resources-- General.