Includes bibliographical references (pages 571-609).
Corporate community, representation and consent -- Parisian masters as a corporation, 1200-1246 -- Roman law and early representation in Spain and Italy, 1150-1250 -- Plena Potestas and consent in medieval assemblies -- A Romano-Canonical Maxim, Quod Omnes Tangit, in Bracton and early parliaments -- Public law and the state -- Ratio Publicae Utilitatis, Ratio Status, and "Reason of State" 1100-1300 -- Status Regni: Lestat Du Roialme in the Statute of York, 1322 -- Status, Id Est, Magistratus:L'Etat, C'est Moi -- Status Regis and Lestat Du Roi in the Statute of York, 1322 -- The Roman law and the "Inalienability Clause" in the English Coronation Oath -- Public Law, The State and Nationalism -- The Naturalness of society and the state.