WILD HORSES AND THEIRMANAGEMENT BY THE BUREAUOF LAND MANAGEMENT; WILD HORSES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT BY THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT ; CONTENTS; PREFACE; STRATEGIC RESEARCH PLANWILD HORSE AND BURRO MANAGEMENT:THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, WILD HORSE AND BURRO PROGRAM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR*; I. STATEMENT OF THE CHALLENGE; A. Introduction Background; B. Wild Horses in North America; II. OVERVIEW OF THE ISSUES; A. Health and Handling Issues; B. Fertility Control in Wild Horses4; C. Population Estimation and Modeling; D. Genetics; E. Habitat Assessment and Setting Population Goals. III. THE STRATEGIC PLANA. Health and Handling Strategies; B. Fertility Control in Wild Horses --; Strategies; C. Population Estimation and Modeling of Population ManagementPrescriptions --; Strategies; D. Genetic Conservation Strategies; E. Habitat Assessment and Setting Population Goals; IV. GLOSSARY; V. LITERATURE CITED; VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; ENDNOTES; AERIAL POPULATION ESTIMATES OF WILD HORSES(EQUUS CABALLUS) IN THE ADOBE TOWN AND SALTWELLS CREEK HERD MANAGEMENT AREASUSING AN INTEGRATED SIMULTANEOUSDOUBLE-COUNT AND SIGHTABILITYBIAS CORRECTION TECHNIQUE*; ABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION; STUDY AREA. METHODSAerial Surveys; Data Analysis; Population Modeling; RESULTS; DISCUSSION; CONCLUSION; REFERENCES; BUREAU OF LANDMANAGEMENT: EFFECTIVE LONG-TERMOPTIONS NEEDED TO MANAGEUNADOPTABLE WILD HORSES*; WHAT GAO FOUND; WHY GAO DID THIS STUDY; WHAT GAO RECOMMENDS; ABBREVIATIONS; RESULTS IN BRIEF; BACKGROUND; LM HAS MADE PROGRESS IN SETTING AND MEETING AML, BUTGUIDANCE IS LACKING AND MEETING AML HAS PROVEN DIFFICULT; BLM has Set AML for 197 out of 199 HMAs, but no Formal Guidance Existson how to Establish AML; BLM has Made Significant Progress toward Meeting AML, but some HMAsRemain far over AML. BLM has Established a Formal Policy on Gathers and Removals thatSpecifies the Key Factors that should be Considered in the Decision MakingProcessResearch and Experience have Shown that BLM's On-the-Range PopulationEstimates Are too Low; DECLINING ADOPTIONS AND SALES HAVE INCREASED THE NEEDFOR SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM HOLDING FACILITIES, AND HOLDING COSTS HAVE INCREASED; Adoption Rates have Declined since the 1990s, and the 2004 Sale DirectiveGenerally has not been Used. BLM Manages 30,088 Animals in an Increasing Number of Short-Term andLong-Term Holding Facilities, and Holding Costs have IncreasedBLM HAS CONTROLS IN PLACE TO HELP ENSURE THE HUMANETREATMENT OF WILD HORSES AND BURROS, BUT IT COULD BETTERTRACK AND REPORT THESE DATA TO THE PUBLIC; BLM Internal Controls Help Ensure Humane Treatment, but BLM CouldImprove Data Gathering and Reporting in some Areas; BLM Implemented Controls to Prevent Slaughter of Wild Horses in theUnited States.