1 Comparative Aspects of Barrel Structure and Development --;2 Organization and Development of the Forepaw Representation in Forepaw Barrel Subfield in Somatosensory Cortex of Rat --;3 What Makes Subcortical Barrels? Requisite Trigeminal Circuitry and Developmental Mechanisms --;4 Somatosensory Thalamus of the Rat --;5 Synaptic Organization of the Barrel Cortex --;6 Neuronal Integration in the Somatosensory Whisker/Barrel Cortex --;7 Intrinsic Physiology and Morphology of Single Neurons in Neocortex --;8 The Nature and Plasticity of Sensory Processing within Adult Rat Barrel Cortex --;9 Neurotransmitter Receptors in Developing Barrel Cortex --;10 The Role of Acetylcholine in Barrel Cortex.
Lorente de N 6 (1922) later observed dense focal concentrations of afferent fiber ramifications in Golgi preparations of the mouse cortex, calling them glomeruli, and these can now be seen as the structures that form the hearts of the barrels and around which the granule cells concentrate.