edited by Anne Mignotte, Eugenio Villar, Lynn Horobin.
Boston, MA
Springer US
(ix, 283 pages)
HDL Standardization --;1. VHDL-2001: What's new --;2. Verilog-2001 Behavioral and Synthesis Enhancements --;3. Advanced ASIC Sign-off Features of IEEE 1076.4-2000 and Standards Updates to Verilog and SDF --;Analog System Modeling and Design --;4. VHDL-AMS model of a synchronous oscillator including phase noise --;5. AnalogSL: A C++ Library for Modeling analog power drivers --;6. Modeling micro-mechanical structures for system simulations --;7. A Comparison of Mixed-Signal Modeling Approaches --;8. A unified IP Design Platform for extremely flexible High Performance RF and AMS Macros using Standard Design Tools --;9. Analogue Filter Synthesis from VHDL-AMS --;System Design Experiences --;10. Using GNU Make to Automate the Recompile of VHDL SoC Designs --;11. Wild Blue Yonder: Experiences in Designing an FPGA with State Machines for a Modern Fighter Jet, Using VHDL and DesignBook --;12. Analysis of Modeling and Simulation Capabilities in SystemC and Ocapi using a Video Filter Design --;13. The Guidelines and JPEG Encoder Study Case of System-Level Architecture Exploration Using the SpecC Methodology --;14. Provision and Integration of EDA Web-Services using WSDL-based Markup --;System Verification --;15. A Mixed C/Verilog Dual-Platform Simulator --;16. Assertions Targeting a Diverse Set of Verification Tools --;17. Predicting the Performance of SoC Verification Technologies --;System Specification --;18. Aspects of object-oriented hardware modeling with SystemC-Plus --;19. UML for system-level design --;20. Open PROMOL: An Experimental Language for Target Program Modification --;21. A system benchmark specification experiment with Esterel/C --;Real-Time Modeling --;22. Modeling of real-time embedded systems by using SDL --;23. A framework for specification and verification of timing constraints --;24. A general approach to modeling system-level timing constraints.
Extended Papers: Best of FDL'01 and HDLCon'01
Extended Papers: Best of FDL'01 and HDLCon'01
Computer hardware.
Computer science.
Electronic data processing.
edited by Anne Mignotte, Eugenio Villar, Lynn Horobin.