Object-oriented application development using the Caché postrelational database
W. Kirsten [and others].
Berlin ; New York
(xiii, 362 pages) : illustrations
1 First Steps --;1.1 Introduction --;1.2 System Requirements --;1.3 Installation --;1.4 Using Caché --;1.5 Step-by-Step Through the First Example --;1.6 Outlook --;2 Introduction to Object Technology --;2.1 Overview --;2.2 Objects, Properties, Methods, and Messages --;2.3 Object Classes and Instances --;2.4 Class Hierarchies and Inheritance --;2.5 Abstract and Final Classes --;2.6 Polymorphism --;2.7 Complex Objects --;2.8 Persistency and Other Requirements of Object Technology on a Database System --;2.9 The Process of Object-Oriented Software Development --;3 The Caché Object Model --;3.1 Introduction --;3.2 Class Types --;3.3 Elements of Classes --;3.4 Inheritance --;3.5 Compile Classes --;4 The Definition of Classes --;4.1 Introduction --;4.2 Caché Object Architect --;4.3 Managing Classes with Caché Explorer --;4.4 The Class Definition Language (CDL) --;4.5 Caché Objects Utilities at the Command Level --;5 Fundamentals of Caché ObjectScript --;5.1 Basic Structures of Caché ObjectScript --;5.2 Routines in Caché --;5.3 Procedural, Structured Programming --;5.4 Error Processing --;6 Object Access and Persistency --;6.1 Objects in Caché ObjectScript --;6.2 Object Persistency --;6.3 Set Operations on Objects --;6.4 Using Objects --;7 Multidimensional Access and Globals --;7.1 Multidimensional Variables --;7.2 Navigation in Multidimensional Arrays --;7.3 Advanced Global Operations --;8 SQL Access and Tables --;8.1 Unified Data Architecture --;8.2 Structured Query Language SQL --;8.3 Embedded SQL --;8.4 Caché SQL Manager --;8.5 Caché SQL Server --;Access Using ODBC --;9 GUI Programming with Visual Caché --;9.1 Overview --;9.2 Caché Object Server for ActiveX --;9.3 Caché Objects and Visual Basic --;9.4 Working with Caché Objects in Visual Basic --;9.5 The Factory Class --;9.6 The SysList Class --;9.7 The ResultSet Class --;9.8 The BinaryStream and CharStream Classes --;9.9 Visual Caché --;10 Object Interaction with Java --;10.1 Overview --;10.2 Generated Java Classes --;10.3 Using Caché Objects and Java --;10.4 Queries and Result Sets --;11 Web Programming with Caché --;11.1 Introduction --;11.2 First Steps with CSP Web Gateway --;11.3 Interaction with CSP --;11.4 A Sample Application --;11.5 Advanced Capabilities of CSP --;12 Device Management --;12.1 Input/Output --;12.2 The Open, Use, and Close Commands --;12.3 Practical Use of Input/Output in Caché --;Appendix A. Caché ObjectScript Reference --;Commands --;Functions --;System Variables --;Structured System Variables --;Operators --;Pattern Match Characters --;Appendix B. CDL Reference --;Keywords for Classes --;Keywords for Properties --;Keywords for Methods --;Keywords for Class Parameters --;Keywords for Queries --;Keywords for Indexes --;Appendix C. SQL Reference --;Data Query Language (DQL) --;Data Manipulation Language (DML) --;Transaction Control Language (TCL) --;Data Definition Language (DDL) --;Reserved Words in Caché SQL.
Nowadays, newly developed software is often already obsolete by the time it is introduced. Object-oriented applications development with databases places special demands on the DBMS and the development environment. In addition, the reader is guided step-by-step through the development of a post-relational application.