proceedings of a conference held at Muret-le-Quaire, March 1976
edited by A. Auslender.
219 p. ; 25 cm.
Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, 144.
Noyaux des sous-espaces de Banach reflexif d'un espace localement convexe.- An abstract theorem for planning procedures.- Estimation and regularity for the maximum lower solution of a unilateral problem.- Conjugacy in quasiconvex analysis.- Duality: some results in asymptotical elastoplasticity.- Sensitivity for non convex optimization problems.- A dual algorithm in quasi-convex optimization.- Etude d'une inequation quasi-variationnelle apparaissant en physique.- Vector measures with bounded variation: a topological property and some applications.- Computation of equilibrium price and quantity vectors.- Borel convex-valued multifunctions.- On the convergence of random convex sets.- An optimal design procedure for optimal control support.
Funzioni convesse -- Congressi -- Muret-le-Quaire -- 1976.