a longitudinal study of the process of adjustment by refugees to a new environment
by J. Ex.
Springer Netherlands
(xvi, 110 pages)
Design of the Investigation --;1. Purpose of the investigation --;2. Methods of the investigation --;3. Composition of the investigated group of refugees and its former position within the Indonesian community --;Results of the Investigation --;4. Subjects talked about, how often and in what way --;5. A framework for the description of the refugees' way of life --;6. Specified description of the refugees' evaluations of his new way of life as experienced throughout the successive phases of the investigation --;Interpretation of the Results of the Investigation --;7. Indicators for the modality of the Course of adjustment --;8. Factors promoting or hindering adjustment --;9. General sketch of the course of adjustment --;Conversation questions.
Many migrate voluntarily, or under compulsion, to build up new existences in other parts of the country or in other parts of the world. Born and bred in another part of the world they embarked in groups to the Nether- lands, which they had never seen before, when the country they lived in became independent.