Coming to terms with pragmatics / (Cohen) -- Teachers' pragmatics: knowledge, beliefs, and practice / (Ishihara) -- Collecting data reflecting the pragmatic use of language / (Ishihara) -- Describing speech acts: linking research and pedagogy /(Ishihara and Cohen) -- Learners' pragmatics: potential causes of divergence / (Ishihara and Cohen) -- Theories of language acquisition and the teaching of pragmatics / (Ishihara) -- Class observation and teaching demonstrations / (Ishihara) -- Adapting textbooks for teaching pragmatics / (Ishihara) -- Discourse, interaction, and language corpora / (Cohen and Ishihara) -- Lesson planning and teacher-led reflection / (Ishihara) -- Curriculum writing for l2 pragmatics: principles and practice in the teaching of l2 pragmatics / (Ishihara) -- Strategies for learning and performing speech acts / (Cohen) -- Incorporating technology into pragmatics-focused instruction / (Ishihara) -- Approaches to assessing pragmatic ability / (Cohen) -- Assessment of pragmatics in the classroom / (Ishihara)