1. Systems theory and/or postmodernism? : historical, political, and ethical frames. Why does society describe itself as postmodern? / Niklas Luhmann -- No exit? (Response to Luhmann) / Peter Uwe Hohendahl -- Pre- and post-dialectical materialisms : modeling praxis without subjects and objects / Marjorie Levinson -- Immanent systems, transcendental temptations, and the limits of ethics / William Rasch -- Rethinking the beyond within the real (response to Rasch) / Drucilla Cornell. 2. Of realism and recursivity : systems theory and the postmodern episteme. Theory of a different order : a conversation with Katherine Hayles and Niklas Luhmann / Niklas Luhmann ... [et al.] -- Making the cut : the interplay of narrative and system, or what systems theory can't see / N. Katherine Hayles -- In search of posthumanist theory : the second-order cybernetics of Maturana and Varela / Cary Wolfe. 3. Systems theory in resonance with major postmodernists. The limit of modernity : Luhmann and Lyotard on exclusion / William Rasch -- Blinded me with science : motifs of observation and temporality in Lacan and Luhmann / Jonathan Elmer -- Making contingency safe for liberalism : the pragmatics of epistemology in Rorty and Luhmann / Cary Wolfe -- The autonomy of affect / Brian Massumi