"Preface This book is the result of several years of hard work developing and evaluating the use of the Internet in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It started when two students from the psychology program in Uppsala, Sweden, knocked on my door and asked me if I could supervise their final Master of Science thesis for their psychology diplomas. The idea they had sounded odd, but I hesitated for only a few minutes. We then planned one of the first trials in the world on Internet-delivered CBT (ICBT) for headache. I am of course forever grateful that they came to my room, and later one of them and several other psychology students ended up writing their theses and completing their PhDs on the topic of ICBT. One of them - now professor - Per Carlbring - became a close co-worker, and without him much of the work would never have been completed. Then followed other talented students, research students and clinicians who all have contributed much to the development of the field. I would love to list them all (which would mean several extra pages), but you can get a hunch of who they are by the research papers referenced in this book. Some have worked with me for a while and invested a lot of their time creating the systems and programming. Others are extremely skilled as clinicians, treatment developers, methodologists, and believe it or not there are even those who have all of these skills (and come from Iceland...)"--Provided by publisher.