Title, prologue and epilogues to the Recuyell of the histories of Troy; Epilogue to Dictes and sayings of the philosophers; Prologue to Golden legend; Prologue to Caton; Epilogue to Aesop; Proem to Chaucer's Canterbury tales; Prologue to Malory's King Arthur; Prologue to Virgil's Eneydos, by W. Caxton.--Dedication of the Institutes of the Christian religion, by J. Calvin, tr. by J. Allen.--Dedication of the Revolutions of the heavenly bodies, by N. Copernicus.--Preface to the History of the reformation in Scotland, by J. Knox.--Prefatory letter to Sir Walter Raleigh on the Faerie queene, by E. Spenser.--Preface to the History of the world, by Sir W. Raleigh.--Prooemium, epistle dedicatory, preface, and plan of the Instaturatio magna, etc., by F. Bacon, translation edited by S. Spedding.--Preface to the Novum organum, by F. Bacon.--Preface to the first folio edition of Shakespeare's plays, by Heminge and Condell.--Preface to the Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, by Sir Isaac Newton, tr. by A. Motte.