Abuse of EU Law and Regulation of the Internal Market
\ Alexandre Sayde.
: Hart Publishing
, 2014
xxxvii, 466 pages
General introduction: The topicality of the concept of abuse of union law -- Introduction: A dynamic perspective on abuses of union law -- Identification of the phenomenon of abuse of union law --The formal doctrine of abuse of union law -- Definition of the concept of abuse of union law --Typology of union law reactions to artificial practices -- Abuse of union law and legal certainty --Conclusion: The certainty of abuse and the illusion of legal certainty -- Introduction: The ambivalent notion of free 'movement' -- The competing paradigms of economic integration -- Dilemmas in the regulation of the internal market -- Reviewing practical issues of free movement law -- State aids and economic integration -- Abuse of union law and the economic constitution of the European Union --Conclusion: One (internal market) law, two competitions -- General conclusion: The concept of abuse of union law as a privileged forum for thinking about union law.